Chapter 105

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Charlotte was just where I left her. She sat on the couch with her ankles crossed. Her eyes were focused on her hands as she moved them around with shaky movements.

When she heard me come in, she looked up and gave me an empty smile. “Isn’t it funny how a marriage that destroys me is the one that saves my family? It makes everything so much harder.”

“Yes. I have been lucky enough that my family obligations have turned out well. We cannot all be so well off, though.” For some reason I now felt guilty for being happy in my marriage. It was not fair. I have so many privileges in my life and I also have unbreakable love. It made no sense.

Charlotte stood up and walked over to me. “What did Alexander say?”

I bit the inside of my cheek. I couldn’t escape how horrible I felt for her. “He wanted to help you more than anything, but we explored many options and there is no way to have the marriage annulled.”

Charlotte’s already drooping face sunk even lower. She sniffled and closed her eyes. “I understand. I love that you were even willing to try.”

She was too kind. She should hate me for the hope I instilled in her while delivering nothing but further grief. Luckily, I would not give up on her. “This isn’t over. You missed so much in the few months of your absence. Before I give you a final option, I should catch you up.”

It took me hours to explain everything that had happened since she had left. The stories were not only about me, but about our friends and foes. She sat quietly and listened, offering up a comment or two ever one and a while.

When I had finished summarizing life at court as of late, I proposed her final option. As soon as the words spilled out of my mouth Charlotte’s mouth dropped open. “We can’t… I can’t”, she stuttered.

“That is why I am giving you the option. I worry for your safety if this goes on for too long. I want you to make the decision you think best, no matter how guilty you may feel,” I spoke softly.

Before Charlotte could respond, someone knocked on my door. “Come in.” I said, a little unsure of who it would be.

My page stuck his head in. “I’m so sorry to bother you, Your Grace. The  Duke of Pettreton is throwing a fit in the halls. He says that someone told him you and his wife went into a village. However, when he mentioned it to someone, he was told that your carriage had not left. He demands to know his wife’s whereabouts.”

I smiled to not let my dishonesty slip through. “Yes. We were planning to go, but I was feeling unwell and Lady Charlotte and I decided to have a quiet day in together.”

My page’s eyes travelled to Charlotte for a minute before he nodded. “Shall I notify him that she is in here with you?”

“Yes, but please invite him to join us. I would love to meet the man who stole my friend’s heart.”

“Yes, Your Grace.” He shut the door as soon as he had finished speaking.

Immediately Charlotte began to panic. “What are you doing? He will be suspicious!”

I placed my hand on top of hers. “I will not tell him anything you have shared with me. I simply want to put a person to his name, especially if you take me up on my offer. I want to see how well he plays the loving husband act.”

A few minutes later, another knock came from my door. The Duke was on the other side. He walked with a confidence that I had never seen before. His hair was slightly gray and he had a large frame.

“Your Grace”, he said with modesty as soon as he entered the room. He fell to his knee soon after.

“It is so nice to finally meet you in person. Charlotte has told me so many great things about you.” I gestured towards a chair across from the couch Charlotte and I were sitting on.

He sat down quietly. “It is I who am lucky to have her as my wife. She amazes me every day.”

I wanted to laugh, but held my tongue. “So, what do you like to do in your free time? A man in such a high position must have some way to let out his emotions.”

The Duke smiled. “Yes. I do enjoy poetry. I spend a lot of reading it and a fair amount writing it, though I am not very good.”

I carried on small talk for as long as I could, but every word that came out of his mouth made me want to hurt him. After a few minutes, I couldn’t do it any longer. “You will have to excuse your wife and I, but we made plans to go look at the new thoroughbreds in the stables.”

“Yes, I will have to be on my way as well. I have some business to attend to.” He stood and bowed before walking out of my chambers.

As soon as he was gone, Charlotte turned to me. “Do it. I can’t stand to be with him for one more day.”

That was all I needed. I left her in my room and went to find Alexander. It took me several minutes of asking his servants and guards to learn that he was in his study.

I found him speaking with several advisors when I arrived. I assumed that meant the King was having a bad day and ignoring his duties.

“I am so sorry to interrupt, but may I speak with you privately for a moment?” I asked Alexander. My tone seemed to come out more panicked than I intended.

His face twisted with concern. “Of course. Will you leave us, gentlemen.”

Within a few seconds, the room was empty. Alexander rushed over to me. “Are you alright? What is wrong?”

I was quick to comfort him. “I am fine. I just came here to speak with you about something important.” I took a deep breath to assure that I spoke with confidence. “I have a solution to Charlotte’s problem. We are going to frame the Duke of Pettreton with treason.”

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