Chapter 115

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I was woken by a furious knocking at my door. It felt as though I had only been asleep for an hour. I had been up late negotiating land deals with Lord Melbourne. I was not in the mood for a middle-of-the-night wakeup and judging by the darkness of my room, it couldn’t have been past two in the morning.

The knocking grew impatient and got louder. I groaned. “Come in if you must.”

Light streamed into my room as my page opened the door. “I hope I didn’t wake you, my lord.”

“No, of course not. Why would I be asleep at this time of the night?” I mused sarcastically. “ What is going on?”

“Princess Sophia is in labor with your child.”

All of the tiredness I had felt just a moment ago was gone. I sat straight up. “What? The midwives said they were not expecting her to give birth until the end of the month.”

“They said it is not an exact science. They are not worried. She is in good health and they are expecting a child before the sun is up.”

I couldn’t even comprehend that idea. I was going to be a father before the sun was up. I stood. “Please inform me on any updates. I will be in my study.”

My page nodded before exiting the room. I quickly got dressed and left. I expected the halls to be empty considering the hour, but it seemed that the entire court was up after hearing the same news that I had just received. I ignored all of the festivities happening and went to my study.

My plan was to do some work to pass the time, but I couldn’t focus. My thoughts kept drifting to Sophia. I knew she was in good hands, but I couldn’t help but worry. I prayed that this would all be over quickly and she could be free from the pain she was most likely experiencing.

However, hours past with no word. The sun rose high over the horizon, but there was no baby. I couldn’t stand to be in my study any longer. I slipped out the door and tried to sneak back to my room, but those who were celebrating in the halls watched me suspiciously. In that moment I believe we were all thinking the same question. What was wrong?

I remained just as flustered as I waited in my room. I couldn’t sit still and ended up pacing back and forth from my bed to the fireplace. I must have made that circuit over two hundred times before there was a knock at my door. I rushed to open it. I sighed in disappointment as I saw Jane smiling back at me. It wasn’t my page.

“You don’t look glad to see me.” She said as she pushed passed me into my room. I didn’t object. Perhaps having some company would help calm me down.

“I was hoping you were someone else.” I responded as I shut the door and made my way over to the couch where she was now sitting.

“I understand, but I do come for a reason. I saw her.”

“When?” I asked urgently.

“Maybe an hour ago. She wasn’t exactly having a great time, but she is okay. The midwives say that a slow labor isn’t uncommon for first children.”

While I was quite bothered by the idea that she wasn’t exactly having a great time, I did feel relieved to know she was alright. “Thank you.”

“Now”, Jane smirked, “we have to talk about you. You look dreadful.”

“I’ve been up since the middle of the night.”

She rolled her eyes. “So has the rest of court. However, none of them look as particularly awful as you.”

“Wow, you have always been so charming. How do you do it?” I said mockingly.

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