Chapter 12

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She was practically dead in my arms. I insisted on carrying her down to the infirmary myself. I wasn’t even sure if she was alive, but I had to have hope that the doctors could save her. As soon as I brought her in, my guards gathered all of the doctors around. I placed her on the nearest bed and covered her with a sheep skin blanket.

They crowded around her, taking her pulse and looking in her eyes. I couldn’t be there. It was too hard to see her that way. I had to imagine her happy and laughing. I walked out of the infirmary slowly. I felt guilty as soon as I was out the doors. I couldn’t abandon her or leave her all alone. I turned to go back, but the doors were already shut.

I didn’t want to be in the way of the doctors. I couldn’t think straight. I needed to clear my head. I headed for the stables, but ran into Matthew on the way there. An owl hooted as he walked over to me, holding a candle. Only then did I realize that it was night. I had been stumbling around with only the light of the moon to guide me.

“What is going on around court? First I hear commotion in the halls, then a mad flock of servants rushed to the church in the east wing to pray, and now you’re walking around in the dark. What am I missing?” He laughed at the end.

“Sophia has fallen into a deep sleep. I don’t know how, who, or why. All I know is she barely alive and there may be no hope.” That wiped his shadowy smile right off of his face. He stepped back for a minute, trying to take in the information I just shared.

“We must do something.” He croaked. His hands were shaking.

“What shall we do? We aren’t doctors. We can’t do anything. If we could, I would be doing it right now.” I said with a touch of annoyance.

Matthew looked at his feet. “You must find out who did this to her. Use your power to question all of her political enemies here at court. Get alibies. Anyone without one shall be detained and questioned further.” He said it fiercely.

I nodded and turned towards the castle. I stopped and peered over my shoulder to Matthew. He looked as though he was hit in the stomach. Pain was plastered to him. Why did he care so much for a girl, my fiancée?

Devoted NobilityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora