Chapter 16

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I made sure Jane had a room far from mine that night so I wouldn’t be tempted to visit. I was going to check on Sophia early the next morning when I ran into her again. I wasn’t sure why she was up so early, but I didn’t ask.

“May I walk with you for a moment?” She asked politely. I nodded and she did. “Thank you for letting me stay here until I find something else.”

“You’re welcome.”

“You aren’t feeling talkative this morning?” She giggled and then continued. “Do you remember the last time we walked together?”

I did, but just looked at my shoes. This whole situation was becoming very uncomfortable.

“We were making our escape after we snuck into your mother’s room and put the toad in her jewelry box. I swear we could hear her scream from across court. But if she was going to hate us, we might as well have given her a reason to.” She laughed but stopped when I stood in front of her.

“Look, you need to understand the nature of our relationship.” I began.

“No need. I understand perfectly. You seem to care for that snobby Princess.” She rolled her eyes.

“She is not snobby. She’s one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met here.” We continued to walk.

“Well, if she is as great as you say and you are convinced she will be okay, then I hope we can become friends.”

“She has to be okay, it’s the only option.” I whispered. “But you must also understand the terms of staying here. You are more than welcome to stay as long as you need to, but not forever. We can’t have a relationship besides friends and you need to be serious about finding a husband. It is the only way to silence rumors about you.”

“I am serious about finding a husband. That is why I came to court. It’s full of wealthy and eligible men.” She seemed confident that finding and marrying one would be easy.

“Great. As long as you know I am not one of them. I will be married in 8 days.”

“If your sleeping beauty ever wakes.” I tried to take that comment with a grain of salt. She continued. “Thank you for being so nice.” She leaned towards me. I believed that she understood our situation. She kissed me lightly on the lips. It only lasted for a few seconds and it felt friendly.

“So, tell me about this girl.” She remarked. “Why is she so perfect? How did she capture your heart?”

Sophia is different. I’ve imagined what she would be like for years. I was picturing what you did. A spoiled little brat who felt entitled to everything. I was wrong. She is kind and selfless. She is always thinking of her country and her family, everyone but herself. She’s controlled and polite while being fun and wild at the same time.” I smiled remembering the moments we’ve shared. “I know it sounds unbelievable that I could fall for someone so quickly. I didn’t think it was possible, but it is. I’m more sure of my feelings every second we spend together.”

“She must be special. I can’t help feeling…” She was interrupted by Matthew running towards us.

He was talking before he got to me. “Sophia is awake and she is healthy. I’ve spoken with her.”

“What?” I almost couldn’t talk through my smile.

“The doctor is in with her now. I’m sure she wants to see you.” He said, still out of breath.

I said a quick goodbye to Jane before rushing towards the infirmary. Just as I reached the door, a doctor came out. He bowed before speaking. “She is awake and seems to be doing fine.” He said, but his voice was strained.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I questioned.

He sighed. “We believe the poison was meant to put her to sleep so it would be easier for an enemy to kidnap her or whatever their plan was. It would prevent her from fighting back. Regardless, someone is after her. I’m no politician, but you are and you probably know that they won’t stop until their problem is… averted.” He looked at me with glazed eyes before bowing and walking towards the palace.

I took a deep breath before I walked inside to see her.

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