Author's Note

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Hey guys! It's Bridget. Thank you guys for being so amazing! I know I say it a lot, but you guys really are the best! It means more than you will ever know! It has been a really hard few years for me. I have had a lot of going on over the past year including my parents getting a divorce and some personal issues. But no matter what was going on, I could write and it would make me feel better. Knowing that other people enjoyed what I was doing just made it all the more special. This story has been a roller coaster and we have finished the ride. I'm now a junior in high school (yay!) and have grown a lot as a person. I will continue to write stories as long as you all want to read them! I was even thinking writing a spin-off of this book as it has been requested by some readers. Please let me know if you are on board for that! I love you guys and thank you all for reading!


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