Chapter 71

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The next few weeks were full of my discontent. I stayed silent about my concerns to everyone. I didn’t want to speak of it and I didn’t want to have to relive the only conversation I had with Jane, the conversation where she promised to return and take my husband.

I smiled and kept calm. This time I had the upper hand against her. I wasn’t just a guest staying at court. I was the wife of the next king. I was her master and I would be able to keep her in check. At least that is what I told myself so I didn’t fall to pieces.

I was trying to put that aside because today was one month after Alexander and I got married. He had postponed everything he had to do to spend the day with me. He didn’t spend the night with me last night, much to my dismay. He was busy working with his father to settle a trade deal with Scotland.

After I bathed and got dressed, I was summoned to meet him in the garden. I was immediately overwhelmed as I arrived. Rose petals were strewn across the path. I followed them with a smile on my face. Waiting for me was Alexander. Next to him was a table full of food. Candles were scattered around it.

“Breakfast is served.” Alexander joked as he pulled my chair out for me.

“Thank you.” I sat down and he sat across from me.

As I picked up my fork, I realized the food in front of me was familiar, but not recently familiar. “Alexander, is this Spanish food?”

He smiled. “Well, I thought you may be getting a little home sick so I had the kitchen learn a few new recipes.”

One item on my plate made me particularly excited. “Andalusian stuffed eggs!” I squealed and took a big bite. My taste buds were so happy as I swallowed.

“A favorite of yours?” Alexander asked.

“Not my favorite, but they bring back good memories for me.” I started. “My mother always felt that she never got to spend enough time with my siblings and I. So in the middle of the night, she would come and wake us from our rooms.

" We would all tromp down to the kitchen, which was empty at that time. We would talk and laugh as we watched my mother make Andalusian stuffed eggs. So many times, we actually had two breakfasts.”

Alexander laughed. “Was your mother a good chef?”

“Not very good. She had never cooked before those times. We would all eat the eggs and tell her they were good, but we were lying.” Remembering these things made me miss my family. As much as I love being at English court, I do crave the colorful atmosphere of my home. I push that memory to the back of my mind. “Do you have any fun childhood memories?”

He sighed. “My childhood was much different than yours. I had two unloving parents who didn’t think of me very often. I spent most of my days up to the age of 15 with a tutor. I was ably prepared to rule the country and to not behave improperly. I didn’t really have a lot of fun.”

That made me sad, but I understood perfectly. “My child years weren’t all fun though. I was groomed to be the perfect wife for you. I was taught proper etiquette before I could even read. I was taught to be obedient and follow orders. I was hidden away from the world as if I was a secret strategy for success. I was told to be demure and silent. I guess you could figure that I failed that lesson.”

I felt even closer to Alexander now. Though we were different in many ways, we were also very similar. We rebelled against what we were told and we both felt trapped by our positions. I knew how lucky I was and I’m sure he did too, but that didn’t mean our lives were easy.

Devoted NobilityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz