Chapter 51

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The rest of the day went by surprisingly fast. I spent a lot of it pained by Elizabeth’s death, but I came to terms with it. What Alexander said was true. She wouldn’t want me crying about her instead of being excited about my wedding. My ladies all decided to spend the night in my room so we could have one last night together. The sun was just going down when they all showed up in their nightgowns, servants lugging trunks of their necessities behind them.

“So none of you packed light?” I laughed as they came over to where I was sitting. Amelia sat on the couch across from me while Eloise and Lucy sat on either side of me.

“We brought everything we are packing when we leave for London early tomorrow morning.” Lucy remarked.

“Oh, by the way, I saw the seamstresses making the final touches on your wedding dress. It is perfect.” Eloise said with a heavy amount of envy.

“Yes, I knew it would be. The seamstresses suggested red, but I insisted on white. They seemed horrified because it is a color more commonly associated with funerals, but it is my favorite.” I sang with excitement.

“Well, my dream dress would be pink.” Lucy quipped.

“Mine would be yellow.” Amelia disagreed.

“Traditional red would look good with my skin tone.” Eloise piped.

We continued chatting about our dream weddings and the girls spoke again of the many suitors they had encountered. This time Amelia was able to share in the stories. It seems gossip has spread to the available men of court about the large dowry I gave to her. That made me happy.

Eventually the eyes around the room became droopy. Eloise was the first to fall, curling up in a ball on the corner of one of the couches. Soon after, Amelia slipped into a gentle sleep on a pile of pillows. Lucy and I were the only two left. I blew out all the candles except the one closest to my bed. Lucy and I sat on it and spoke.

“Tomorrow is the day everything changes.” She commented.

“Yes, it is.”

“Things will change for us all, but you mostly. You will be married. Soon after that, you will have a family. Nothing will be the same.”

My heart began racing hearing her say that. I had never really thought about how much was coming at me. Tomorrow, I would be a wife and the future queen of England. My duty after that would be to become a mother. A mother.

It was all so sudden. My youth was slipping away. The time when I could be childish and do reckless things was over. I had wasted it by being responsible. That was who I was. I was a responsible person. I liked that about myself, but I couldn’t help but feel as if I missed out. I turned to say something to Lucy, but she was passed out on one side of my bed.

I slowly slipped off of it. I put on my bathrobe and grabbed the candle on my bedside table. I snuck down the halls, not acknowledging the guards I passed. I didn’t care if they wanted to gossip about what I did. It would make it all the more reckless. I arrived at the room I was headed towards and knocked repeatedly. Alexander opened the door and his face looked confused.

“Sophia? What are you doing here? Is everything all right?”

“Just listen to me. Tomorrow we won’t be the same people. We will be married. Responsibilities come with that. So let’s do something irresponsible, something we shouldn’t do for the last time.” I ranted.

He looked at me for a second before smiling. “I have an idea.” He took my hand and led me down the hall. I had no idea where we were going, but I didn’t care.

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