Chapter 73

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I felt conflicted as I waited in my room. I dreaded having her back. Jane’s presence would most likely cause strain on Alexander and my marriage. That was what I assumed would happen, but there was another option. There was a slight possibility that she had changed. Perhaps now that we were married, she would move on to another man. Either way, I had to have an open mind about her and treat her as I would my other ladies.

“Sophia, Jane has arrived and you are expected to greet her in the throne room.” Eloise mused. I didn’t even notice that she had come in.

I took a deep breath and stood. As I walked down the stairs, I fluffed my dress to perfection and propped my curled hair onto my shoulders.

When I arrived, I took notice of the crowd in the room. The King and Queen sat on their thrones, seeming bored with the whole ritual. Alexander stood at the bottom of the stairs that led to the thrones. I joined him and put my hand in his. My ladies stood to my left and a small mass of people stood to Alexander’s right. The room fell silent as Jane walked in.

I was amazed at how innocent she looked. Her blonde hair was pulled into a simple bun and she was wearing no makeup. Her dress was simple, pale pink with little detail. She skittishly approached me, her eyes scanning the crowd.

She seemed intimidated by the whole ordeal. I kept reminding myself to keep an open mind. Jane eventually reached me and stared me in the eye. She still seemed overwhelmed. She brought herself into a low curtsy.

I walked forward and put my hand on her shoulder. “Please, you mustn’t do that. Stand tall.” I whispered kindly. It wasn’t hard to treat her with respect.

She did as I said. When she spoke, she sounded much more confident than she looked. “Your grace, it is a privilege to serve you. I hope to do it with duty and responsibility.”

I nodded. “I am sure you will.” I moved my hand from her shoulder and gestured towards the exit of the room. “Shall I show you to your quarters?”

She smiled and nodded. We walked silently to her room. It was not an uncomfortable silence, but one that was peaceful. We stopped as we reached her doorway.

I turned to her. I would have to get it out in the open so we could move on. “Jane, we may have not been close the last time you were here, but I believe we should forget it. The past doesn’t matter. Alexander and I are happy and you are here to find a husband.”

Her sweet green eyes became razors. “Sophia, it’s obvious your confused. I am here to find a husband. His name is Prince Alexander. Nothing has changed and I will secure your husband as my own.”

My mouth dropped open. Her words were ice. I had to take several breaths before I could speak. “Well, I advise you to be careful. Alexander and I are in love. You won’t change that. Many people are relying on this marriage to work and I am in charge of you. So you will face many enemies if you make one wrong move. I will treat you fairly until you prove yourself unfair. Then you should be very careful.”

She didn’t seem threatened, but I didn’t care. I meant everything I said. If she betrayed me, I would ruin her.

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