Chapter 42

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Amelia and I spent hours together, just being friends. She talked about her dreams of a husband and I talked about all the reasons I loved my future husband. We had always been close, but this made us even closer. We had never had so much time by ourselves without my other ladies. It was an escape from the reality of my pain.

Eventually we parted ways and I went to visit Alexander. Before I got to him, I ran into Elizabeth and precious Victoria walking down the halls. As soon as Victoria saw me, she gave me a hug.

“Sophia!” She chanted over and over again.

“Hello.” I hugged her back.

“You must come to my room and see my dress for your wedding.” She jumped up and down with excitement.

“I would love to.” Before I was even finished speaking, she grabbed my hand and led me towards her room.

Elizabeth silently walked behind us, not nearly as excited as her sister. Elizabeth stayed morose as Victoria twirled around in her flowered pink gown, hiding under the tool. Eventually a governess came in to take her to dinner, leaving Elizabeth and I alone in her room.

“Are you okay? You’ve been looking so sad since I ran into you.”

She bit her lip that seemed to be quivering ever so slightly. “I’m fine.”

I placed my hand over hers. “Elizabeth, I understand you putting up a wall to hide your emotions. Court is not the easiest place to share them openly, but you were a good friend to me. I want to be a good friend to you.”

Her eyes were glassy. “I’m being sent off.”

“To where? This is your home.” I was very confused.

“The Earl Of Nottingham. I’m set to wed him in two weeks and am leaving the morning after your wedding.” Elizabeth croaked.

“No, that can’t be right. Your mother told me you would be marrying him next year. You’re far too young to get married.” I protested.

“Yes, I am, but my father says the Earl has a private army that would be useful in aiding our armies to gain territory. Apparently it can’t wait a year.”

“Has no one tried to speak reason to him?”

“We all have, but he is deaf to any voice but his own.”

“He will listen to mine.” I stated and walked with determination towards the throne room. I was yards away when I ran into Alexander.

“What are you doing Sophia?” He gently pulled my arm so I would follow him away from the door.

“I need to speak with your father urgently.” I tried to move past him, but his grip tightened.

“Now is not a good time. He is not in the best mind set.”

“Has he been in the best mind set anytime in the past few months?” The silence I got was a response enough. “If you knew what I had to say, you may come with me.”

“I know what you have to say. You are going to point out the flaws in his plans for Elizabeth. It is a waste of breath. We have all argued. He sees no sense.” Alexander murmured.

“I won’t stop until I have tried. I can’t give up on your sister. We are all well aware of what’s at stake if she marries this man.” I tugged harder on my arm and he let go of it. I held my head high as I walked into the throne room. I bowed my head quickly before speaking my mind to the King.

“I hope you understand the risk you are taking by forcing this marriage upon Princess Elizabeth.” I started.

The King looked me over as the rest of the room turned to watch. “I hope you understand the risks if I don’t.” He responded calmly.

“She could die. Your own child may die at the choice you made. This man is much older than her. He could be abusive. Even if he isn’t, she is not prepared for such things that come along with marriage… And if she were to bear a child at such a young age, it could cost her everything.” I argued.

“Sophia, you don’t know what you’re talking about. A woman of any age could die during childbirth. It isn’t exclusive to the younger mothers. Besides all that, England needs the Earl’s armies. We are low on soldiers and have more enemies than friends. This will be your country eventually. You should pretend to care for its well-being.” He leered.

I tried to control my growing anger. “You should pretend to care for your child’s well-being. I’m not sure if you have been enlightened on this fact, but I will help you.”

I walked closer to the King and spoke loud enough for the entire room to hear me. “Powerful men like yourself throw women around as if we are here to help you, but in reality, it is women who sacrifice for their country’s and their families while those strong men sit on their asses and pretend to be worth something. You all believe you are superior for whatever reason and believe we think the same, but women are simply stronger than you all. We are strong enough to do the hard things and keep our mouths shut about it so you can feel a sense of importance. Without our quiet doings this world would fall into turmoil. And in case you didn’t notice, it is the will of women that populates this Earth. So continue to pretend that you are a saint for letting us live on your Earth when the truth is, you would all die without our help.” Gasps swept through the room along with whispered mutters.

King Louis stood from his throne and walked towards me. His eyes were as black as night. People parted for him as he approached. I held my head high, not breaking eye contact for a minute.

“What gives you the courage to say such things to your King?” He hollered as he reached me.

I knew what he was doing. He was pulled off of his pedestal with my speech and was trying to regain respect by scaring his subjects. I would not let him do it. “You are not my King. I answer to your son or my father. I do not belong to you.”

One of his eyes began twitching. In one sweep of his arm, he pulled his long sword from its place on his belt and held it towards me. I continued to hold my stance. A sane King would never kill an ally in front of dozens of witnesses. I prayed there was a sane King in there somewhere.

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