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I pull her hair making her moans become louder "Say my name" she moans her accent disappearing "Bria" I moan she moans with me I pull out flipping her over laying her down on her back. I put my face into her neck sucking on her sweet spot, she whimpers squeezing my shoulders. I slide back into her making her back arch leaving a space between her and the bed. I press my lips on hers so her moans become inaudible.

I groan throwing my diary on my dresser, my days have been so miserable lately. I miss Grayson so much and just the thought of him makes me want to cry. I get up walking into the living room. Ethan is on the play station playing fortnite, I walk over to him sitting down, he pauses the game turning towards me "You okay?" He asks softly "Yeah" he nods I sigh looking down "Can we have sex?" I ask "Wh-at?" He asks I begin to pull my clothes off "Lets have sex Ethan" he gulps with a nod then begins taking his clothes off.

I pull him on top of me pressing my lips against his, he lustfully kisses back grabbing my boobs in his large hands. I reach down rubbing his length he moans between our heated kiss. A knock on the door startled us, we both get up dressing our selves. I go to the door opening it Ethan awkwardly stands behind me. Munchie grins looking down "Wrong time to come?" He refers to what just happened between Ethan and I "Uhm" I scratch my neck that has hickeys splattered across the skin "No we uh," I look back at Ethan "That shouldn't have happened" Ethan nods running his hands through his dark hair.

Munchie chuckles "So are we going to go on that date?" He raises a brow I smile with a nod "Could I uh, shower?" He nods "You can come with me" He follows behind me I walk past Ethan into my room. I take him to the bathroom pulling all of our clothes off, we get into the shower turning the water on. I place my small hand on his muscular chest. He looks down at me with lust in his eyes, he leans down pressing his lips on my forehead.

I feel my heart begin to thump out my chest as I think of Grayson. Why am I thinking of him? Why is he always on my mind. He left me for another girl, but I still can't manage to get him out my head I should be saying fuck you and move on. But I can't. Munchie snakes his hand behind me placing it on my lower back "Are you okay?" He asks I suck in my breath shaking my head "Yeah, I'm- yes. Im fine" I grab his neck pulling him into a kiss "Sex, it makes me forget. It makes me not think of all the shit I'm going through" He turns his head to the side staring down at me listening to every word I spill.

"I feel so- ugh, am I a slut?" He shakes his head "I am, Grayson would hate me" I say feeling my chest tighten up "No he wouldn't, did you even talk to him? Like I told you to" I shake my head "I tried getting back with him but no I didn't actually talk" he nods placing his hands on my hips "Talk to him, after we are done here" he says grabbing my face in his hands.

I knock on the door patiently waiting for an answer. The door opens showing me Lisa, I smile pulling her into a hug "What brings you here?" She asks opening the door wider for me to come in. I walk in letting her shut the door "Is Grayson here?" I ask she nods "Yes he's up stairs. Are you sure you want to speak to him?" I sigh looking down "I do want to speak to him, really badly I miss his voice. I feel lost without him Lisa" She awe(s) wrapping her arms around me.

"Just please don't waste your time" she whispers in my ear "I miss him" my voice comes out huskily "He misses you too, but I just- he can't seem to accept it Alia. I don't know what happened to him Bria she just isn't good for him" I nod agreeing, obviously I would considering I'm in love with the boy. "I'm gonna go talk to him" I tell her she nods with a delicate smile "Just know I'm always here for you" she says before walking away.

I suck in some air walking up the steps. The familiar hallway greets me as I get closer to the door that I used to be in everyday. I take my small hand knocking lightly, I slowly open the door seeing Grayson on his laptop. He looks at me dumbfounded shutting his computer "What are you doing here?" He asks standing up "Can we talk?" He puts his hands on his hips nodding.

I bite my lip slightly "I miss you Grayson, and I know you miss me so why are you making things so much harder on us than they have to be?" His face goes blank because he knows I'm right "Alia please" I look down to the ground "Please what?" I look back up at him "Please what gray? I've been so unstable lately you would literally hate my whole life" I press my lips in a straight line.

I'm only being honest with him, I'm tired of the way things are. My life has changed drastically since he's left, I'm so tired and broken. I just want things to be the way they once were before Bria. If she would've never came we wouldn't be here, in this shitty situation. I miss Grayson everything about him I miss I want him back every bit of him I want back. And closed  mouths don't get fed.

He squints breathing heavily "Alia, I-"he cuts himself off "You what Grayson?" I groan "I just want things to be the way they were, I want my life back" I feel my body get heavy with sadness "I want me back, I want you back. There's no me without you" a small smile spreads across his precious face relieving me with joy. He walks closer to me letting me feel his warm presence which honestly has never felt so safe and loving.

He pulls my chin up making me look up at him a bit "I could never hate you" he says before pressing his plump lips onto mine, the taste of mint takes over my mouth. I wrap my arms around his muscular body pulling him closer to me I've missed him so much. Getting enough of him currently is impossible. We pull out of the kiss just staring at each other. My eyes well up with tears just by looking at him "Can you be mine again?" I whisper he furrows his eyebrows "I've always been yours" he says pulling me into his arms again.

This makes me happy. He makes me happy, he's all I want I don't see a reason to go on without him. He keeps me going, he makes me motivated to get up in the morning and go on with my shitty life. He's my safe place, he makes me feel loved and warm. He's my home. I'm in love with him.

Hi wow, okay so it's been a while I'm so sorry. I have a lot going on right now, I'm sure no one has even noticed that I'm gone but I'm not going to be posting that many chapters anytime soon. I have so much shit on my plate it's crazy but I want you guys to know I love you<666

Love faith

Instagram graysexx

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