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I finish doing my hair then I spray some perfume. I look at myself in the mirror, I place my hands on the front of the dress smoothing it out.

 I look at myself in the mirror, I place my hands on the front of the dress smoothing it out

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I decided to just wear something normal not to much class. I hear a faint knock on the door as I put on my hoops. "Hi" I smile he looks me up and down "You look gorgeous" I giggle putting one of my blonde curls behind my ear "So do you" I compliment his simple but sexy outfit.

I grab his hand pulling him towards me pressing my lips against his, the feeling wasn't describable it felt so right, I couldn't ask for anything better "Let's go" he pulls me out of the room "So where are we off to?" I ask as he starts to drive h...

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I grab his hand pulling him towards me pressing my lips against his, the feeling wasn't describable it felt so right, I couldn't ask for anything better "Let's go" he pulls me out of the room "So where are we off to?" I ask as he starts to drive he grins shaking his head "You will see" he grips my thigh rubbing the soft skin "I hate surprises gray" I whine like a little kid that wants their presents on Christmas "Well you have to deal with waiting so shush" I laugh grabbing his hand "You are the cutest yuh know" he smiles over to me, I think I've come to realization with this boy. I know where my feeling are at for him.

He begins to drive into the woods making me confused "Why exactly are we in the woods?" I look out the window showing the dark night , he grins to himself pulling up to a open space then stopping the car. I furrow my eyebrows opening the door; being sure to grab the jacket that I had sitting in his back seat.

 I furrow my eyebrows opening the door; being sure to grab the jacket that I had sitting in his back seat

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Dats the coat my friends.

He follows over to me grabbing my hand "Can't let a pretty lady like you walk in the woods alone" I giggle at him, squeezing his hand tight "We have a little walk until we get to our destination, I just wanted to talk for a little so I pulled up over there" he throws his head to the side signaling where he parked his new car "I hope I get that job" I say softly, just trying to start a conversation "I'm sure you will get it" I nod looking down "Do you ever just think about small things but those small things get to you majorly" Grayson comes out of know where trying to get a conversation going.

I bite my lip thinking "Yes, all the time. But what type of small things are we talking about" I look over to him but continue walking hand in hand through the dark woods "Yuh know" he shrugs I let his hand go putting mine in my warm pockets "No I don't" he slides his hands in his jeans putting his lips together "I think about how you and Ethan were once together" I blink a few times, he really lets that get to him? What I'm so confused "I thought we were over that? Why bring it up, does it bother you that much?" I ask watching the cold air come from my mouth as I speak.

If it bothered him this much why did he wait so long to bring it up? "I- ugh I don't even know why I care, it's not like you give a fuck anyway" I furrow my eyebrows is he mad at me or Ethan I'm so confused right now "Grayson, don't act like that. If you want to speak to me, then speak to me" I softly speak not wanting this night to go to complete shit over a small conversation "You are a grown man, we can handle things like adults. What's the issue, speak to me" I sigh looking down at my feet that are cold from the snow that has hit them.

He ignores me for the rest of the walk, doesn't look at me or anything "Close your eyes" he simply says with no care in his voice, I squeeze my eyes shut tight grabbing his muscular arm letting him lead me. He sits me down in a chair takes a deep breath then tells me to open my eyes "Oh my-" I put my hand over my mouth, this is insane.

He takes a seat with a pleased look on his face "Grayson, I-" I cut myself off due to being at a loss for words "How?!" I shout out he chuckles "I had a little help from my siblings" he looks over my shoulder making me look back to Cameron and Eth...

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He takes a seat with a pleased look on his face "Grayson, I-" I cut myself off due to being at a loss for words "How?!" I shout out he chuckles "I had a little help from my siblings" he looks over my shoulder making me look back to Cameron and Ethan dressed up in cooking outfits, Ethan walks over with two plates in his hand "Your meal tonight will be pasta" he sets the plates down "Mom made it" he tries whispering to gray but fails I giggle as he walks away. Cameron comes over with two glasses and a bottle of champagne.

I look down at the mouth watering food digging into it as fast as possible.

After about 25 minutes of eating an talking about stupid shit, we finished our meals "Even though it's cold out here I still enjoyed it" he leans up in his chair licking his lips "Do you think I could talk to you?" He asks I nod grabbing his hand "Of course" he sighs "It's about the thing we kinda argued about earlier" I bite my tongue knowing exactly where this conversation is going "Gr-" he cuts me off "No, don't do that" "It hurts" he pulls away from me sitting back in the chair.

His eyes begin to water as he stares at the lights hanging from the naked trees that winter took the clothes from "It hurts to know my brother had you first, it hurts to know that while my focus was on you your focus was on him" his lip begins to shake, I suck in some air shutting my eyes "Did you love him?" I shrug opening my eyes "I guess-" I shrug again cutting myself off "That's what I told myself, I told myself I loved him" I look at him his focus completely on me wanting to hear what I had to say.

I cough clearing my throat "I do love him, very much. I don't love him like a boyfriend, no cause if I did we would still be together" Grayson shifts in his chair "He's a great guy, he needs someone who isn't broken; like me" I look down to my hands that are playing with my dress "He needs a girl that doesn't come from a fucked up life, I don't want to cause him pain. I don't want to hurt him so I broke up with him, not only because I didn't want to hurt him but because I didn't love him like I told myself I did" Grayson let's out a relieved sigh.

I bite my lip not wanting to say what I'm going to next but it's gonna slip, he has to know after all "Same with you"....


Love Faith

Instagram graysexx


A walk to remember-G.D.Where stories live. Discover now