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Alia Tuesday 23rd
I wake up to a loud banging downstairs. I get up grabbing some shorts slipping them walking downstairs it was completely quiet which made me wonder where the banging was coming from. I hear it again I turn around to notice it was coming from the door so I go over to it opening it "God damn they never used to lock the the fucking doors" a beautiful girl with brunette hair says grabbing her luggage this must be the twins sister Cameron.

She is gorgeous her eyes are darker than the twins she has more of a brown tint than the twins do "You must be Ethan and Grayson's sister Cameron" I smile widely she nods "And you are?" She puts a strand of hair behind her ear "Im Alia the twins fr-" I get cut off by a deep raspy voice "She's my girlfriend" I look back to see Grayson Cameron goes running past me into grays arms. He picks her up off the ground squeezing her as hard as possible.

They are so cute. My heart begins to flutter, he lets her go staring at her with a bright smile "I've missed this beautiful face" he sarcastically says she chuckles but there is no doubt about that she is beautiful her hair is dark she is soooo fucking thick she has very tan skin and a wonderful smile no flaws except maybe her voice being very deep maybe even deeper than her brothers but that's okay.

She turns to me "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend" I feel my cheeks heat up "Yeah uh I guess I left that part out the last time we talked but we aren't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend but we are more than close" she nods understanding "She is prettier than the last" she remarks causing Grayson to laugh "More like she is prettier than all of them" I feel flattered "I'm Alia" I go to shake her hand but she pulls me into a hug the height difference is pretty major due to her being like 5'0 foot while I'm over here almost the height of gray but he still manages to have to look down on me being 5'8 is fun.

She pulls away taking off her coat "I already miss the warm weather of cali" she sighs "Well it's Christmas so at least you get to enjoy gifts" I state she nods throwing her body on the couch "Where is mom an dad at?" Grayson shrugs "Its early cam they are still sleeping" "Oh you know what maybe today you and cam could go look for jobs" I look down at her "You need a job huh?" I nod "Can't rely on other people my whole life" she hums "Yeah we can go to the mall. We can look there and maybe do some Christmas shopping" she wiggles her eyebrows I laugh "Yeah" I go over to the stairs "Let her get some sleep gray she is probably jet lagged" I tell him he nods walking over to me.

We walk up the stairs going into my room "Ethan is really gonna enjoy this break" he laugh "Why?" I ask confused "Cause we always fuck with him" he says referring to him and Cameron I shut my door "Well me and Cameron can just team up on you two" he smirks "You're cute but no" he lays down on my bed "Yeah yeah" I lay down on top of his body "I'm tired" he wraps his arms around me "Then go to sleep" he offers "On top of you?" He hums "Yeah why not you are not heavy at all lia" I giggle into his chest "Whatever" I mumble closing my eyes slowing drifting off into a deep sleep.

This is a filler

Love Faith

Instagram graysexx


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