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I wake up to my phone ringing like crazy. I sit up grabbing my phone I answer it "Hello" I groggily say rubbing my eyes "Morning sunshine" I hear Micah's fluent voice flow through my ears my eyes open up completely and my tiredness fades off "Hi" I joyfully say "Did I wake you?" He laughs I smile "Yes you actually did" I get up out of bed going to the bathroom "So I just called to tell you I'm putting 2000 on your card today" I do my business putting him on mute for a second.

I finish going back to my room "Well thank you" I softly thank him "Well call me later when you are actually up" I chuckle "Yeah yeah. I'll call you later love you" I hang up looking at the time 10:20am why did he have to wake me up I was having a good sleep, I sigh getting out of bed going downstairs I see Lisa sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee with her phone in her hand "Good morning Mrs. Dolan" she looks up at me smiling "Oh you are finally up" I walk over to her "Yeah ha, where is everyone?" I ask she sips her drink "They are all at work" she says referring to her husband an son's' "So when is Christmas break over?" She curiously questions.

"After New Years " I tell her she licks her lips "Yeah that's what I thought" she looks down at her phone.We sit in silence before she speaks again setting her phone down "I could show you pictures of the twins when they were babies" I feel my face turn pink "Yes!" I begin to feel giddy they were probably the cutest babies ever. She gets up running to the small cabinet that's by their front door grabbing a book that is navy blue and say the twins.

She walks in the living room telling me to follow her. We sit down on the fluffy couch as she opens the book flipping though the pages "This was when Ethan grew his first tooth" she points to the picture where Ethan is pointing at the camera smiling "Awe he was adorable" I feel myself become soft "This was their first Halloween" she smiles slightly looking down at the picture of the twins dressed up as pumpkins "This was when Grayson spilled spaghetti all over himself" I giggle looking at the tiny baby covered in sauce "This was Grayson crawling on the table" I smile he was the cutest "This was their first birthday" her eyes glisten she probably misses her boys being young it seems like it wasn't long ago that they were babies to her but now they are grown ups.

She flips past pages just looking at the pictures "This was their first Christmas" she grabs my hand holding it they looked so happy just seeing all the small presents under the tree they were so small their eyes lit up as they were admiring the tree lights it was for sure a precious moment and luckily she got it on camera "This was when they started school" she showed me a picture of the twins wearing little school outfits smiling "This was fifth grade" I giggle looking at it Grayson had bleached hair that's for sure funny "Sixth" I begin to laugh they were so young wow "Ninth" she shows a picture of them throwing up gang signs "Tenth" it was a picture of them hugging each other.

She flips another page "Eleventh they made me really proud that game" she exclaims showing me a picture of them at a football game "Lastly the starting of this year" she softly says showing me a picture of them at the front of our school leaning on their jeep "They've had a eventful life" I say she sighs shutting the book "Yeah but I'm so proud of them they always fell through an accomplished things the right way" their mother is so lovely it actually makes me miss my mom she never really was like this but Lisa cares so much for her kids she has a huge heart which me happy for Ethan an Grayson they have a wonderful mother not many people know what that is like.

The door opens causing us to look back the twins and Sean walks in. Sean walks over to Lisa giving her a kiss then a hug what a great couple. Ethan looks at the book his mom has on her lap gasping "Grayson holy shit" his mom furrows her eyebrows due to his foul language "Excuse me Ethan what was that?" His mom angrily shouts at him as his dad points a finger "Watch you're mouth son" his father tell him walking up the stairs "Dude, mom why would you do this to us" Grayson groans plopping on the couch "What's so wrong with showing her pictures of you two?" She seems confused opening the book flipping through the pages showing me pictures of them naked when they were young "It was so small" I point to their tiny penis "I swear it's not small no more" Grayson pouts as we laugh "This is embarrassing" Ethan mumbles.

His mom finds it funny showing me more pictures "It's not like you guys are together anyway she is just a friend" Grayson's face goes blank as Ethan just sits quiet "She was my girlfriend" Ethan points out "But Grayson and her seem to be hitting it off pretty well" Ethan smirks at Grayson who just rolls his eyes "Oh well that's great" she excitedly jumps in her seat "Do not get to excited were still just friends" he puts his arms behind his head "Yeah but don't you two like each other?" Ethan raises his eyebrow "Do you like gray?" They all turn towards me I feel my face heat up with embarrassment obviously I like him but if I say that I find him attractive I lose all in all it would be ten negative points.

He bites his lip as his muscles are flexed behind his head "Yes I find Grayson really really attractive" I look down biting the inside of my cheek I just had to say that didn't I?! Fuck I'm so screwed "You guys would look cute" their mom smiles winking at Grayson "Well I'm gonna go to my room" Lisa gets up putting the book away then leaving us alone "That's great isn't it"Ethan chuckles "It's not funny" I cover my face with my hands.

This is cruel Ethan did that on purpose he finds it funny when I get embarrassed he always has even before we ever became a 'thing' even though we broke up Ethan is completely fine with Grayson liking me he said that he didn't want us together but now he is fine with it "Grayson gonna get some pussy" Ethan yells Grayson punches him playfully as I just awkwardly sit there while Ethan makes jokes about my vagina and Grayson "Grayson gonna eat yo pussy like there is no tomorrow" Ethan leans on Grayson as they both laugh "No doubt about it" Grayson says as my cheeks heat up "Okay could we talk about something else?" They both stop laughing looking over to me.

I put my elbow on the edge of the couch putting my head on my hand holding it up "Yeah we can talk about how hard your gonna get Grayson" they burst out laughing again why do boys find shit like that so funny "Okay I'm done im done" Ethan tries to catch his breath holding his stomach Grayson wipes the tears from his eyes holding his chest "You guys are dickheads" I remark rolling my eyes.

They just ignore my comment turning the game on starting a match of call of duty "Alright I'm gonna go take a shower" I get up walking upstairs boys are so fucking annoying.


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