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Ethan, December 14th. Day one of Alia staying at the hospital.
I wake up looking around remembering the events of last night, I look at Alia she looks so lifeless which makes my heart ache I start to remember her smile just the little things she did that made me smile so much I look over at gray sleeping in the chair his lower half basically falling out of it, I shake him a few times until his eyes open"What?" He groans "Get up" I shake him again "Micah!" I shout his eyes flicker open "Let's go to the cafeteria see what they have to eat" I say Grayson groggily gets up looking at Alia then sighing all of us are exhausted.

We walk down to the main floor going to the cafeteria that is filled with sick and tired people. We walk up to a line waiting, a lady calls us over asking us what we want "What would you guys like?" She smiles "How much is your muffins?" I ask "2.49" she responds "I'll take a chocolate chip muffin with a chocolate milk" I tell her grabbing a ten dollar bill out my wallet "5.34" she says taking my money giving my change back, Grayson and Micah get what they want then we go sit down "I'm so tired" Grayson rubs his face "I hope Alia is okay" Micah says "Since when did she cut?" Grayson looks over to Micah he shrugs drinking his water "She has been doing it for a while now" Grayson widens his eyes "You didn't try doing anything?" Grayson asks shocked "What am I supposed to do lecture her" I roll my eyes "Why don't you come at her Boyfriend with that shit he's the one fucking her" he spits "Watch your fucking mouth" I hiss.

Grayson rolls his eyes "No I'm coming at you your her best friend you have known her since she was a kid" he fires back to Micah "What am I supposed to fucking do cry to her tell her to stop threaten her she is fucking depressed" he yells at Grayson like he is a five year old with issues "Micah he is telling you that you should've grown a pair and tried to do something" Micah scoffs "Cause your helping her?" He laughs "Yeah I am helping her I helped her put her son in a orphanage god knows she doesn't need any more stress put to her plate" he rolls his eyes "And for your information me an her never have had sex so know what you are talking about buddy your the only one that's quick to get in your best friends pants" I sip my milk "She didn't tell me to stop so she obviously enjoyed it" I laugh.

I sit up in my seat "Cause she obviously enjoys what her dad does to her to she can't stop him how could she stop you, you took advantage of her you waited to do something you wanted her to be caught up in the moment then when she said she wasn't in love with you, you acted like you were okay with it but were you really? Cause you seem pretty damn upset if you ask me" Micah stands up balling his fist "You need to stay in your place Dolan just because you give the girl top here and there and tell her everything is gonna be okay as long as I'm by your side bullshit doesn't mean you can stand in my way I've known that girl just about her whole life" he grunts I stand up Grayson is quick to put his hand on my chest "It's not worth it bro" I grunt "Leave Micah and don't come back" he chuckles "Fucking leave" I step closer "No" he grins I grab him by his shirt walking him to the exit I open the door throwing him out "Don't come back" I shout he sighs fixing his shirt walking away I shut the door turning to Grayson.

He shakes his head "In a hospital bro? I shrug "That's my girlfriend he was causing a fight about" I spat Grayson ignores my comment walking to the room Alia is in.

1 day later.
Tomorrow is me and Ethan's birthday my mother wanted us to come home to get everything set up. I walk up stairs knocking on my parents bedroom door "Come in" my dad hollers I walk in to see him sitting in bed with his glass on and a book in his hands "What's up pops" I sit on his soft bed "Nothing much what's up?" He asks "Can we talk privately" he looks around then chuckles "This looks pretty private to me" he pulls his glasses off "Your mom is showering and e is in his room sleeping" he sets his stuff on his end table then sits up "What's up gray?" I sigh looking down "I feel bad" he raises a brow at me "Grayson what is wrong?" He pierces his lips together "I feel like I'm wrong but I can't help how I feel" I shrug "I never intended to like her dad" I look up at him he furrows his eyebrows "Is this about Alia the girl your brother dates?" I nod ashamed he rubs his mouth "Talk to him g" he says softly.

I run my hand threw my hair "I'm afraid I don't want him to be mad at me" my dad places his hand on my thigh "This is Ethan we are talking about he won't be mad" I look at my dads serious facial expression he has always been really good with advise "Just tell him your feelings he is your brother after all I would hope he wouldn't choose her over you" he licks his lips "what do I say I like your girlfriend he will be pissed" my dad shakes his head "He won't be pissed it's not like he loves the girl" I bite my cheek "Maybe he does" my dad shrugs "Talk to him" he softly pats my back "Go get some sleep your birthday is tomorrow" he smiles I stand up going to leave his room but before doing so I felt the urge to thank my father "Thanks dad" he nods his head "I love you Grayson"I smile walking out.

I need to talk to Ethan I don't want to hide the fact that I like his girlfriend.

Alia December 16th
My eyes flutter open I look around confused where am I? I rub my head I feel like I've been sleeping for years I shake my head, the door opens to a man "Where am I?" He gasps "Your awake" he shouts "Yeah I can tell" he walks over to me "I was just about to give you your meds" I look at him confused "I'm in a hospital" he nods I furrow my eyebrows "Why?" His eyes dart done to my forearm I look down tears forming in my eyes my memory slowly coming back, my dad, me cutting, him sending the video, me going to the bathroom everything was shiny and clear in my mind "Where is Ethan?" He looks up from the paper he is signing "He left yesterday him and his twin?" He asks I nod "Yeah his twin" "How long have I been in here for" he looks up at the white ceiling "Three days so far you came in on Saturday it's Tuesday December 16th" I gasp "I need to call the twins" .

I walk in the school everyone one looking at me whispering 'oh that's Alias boyfriend she attempted suicide' stupid shit like that annoyed me no one can ever mind their own business. I ignore everyone and go about my day I'm not letting anything ruin my 19th birthday. I keep walking until I get to my locker I'm ready for this day to be over so I can just get to my party.

I button the last button on my shirt spraying some cologne on Grayson walks in with the same outfit as me black button up with black ripped jeans and some vans "Are you ready?" He smirks "Yeah I just wish Alia was here" Grayson pats my back "She is fine I promise" I look at him with nothing but hope, hope that what he just told me was true I don't want to be worried about her on my birthday I can't help but wonder what she is doing is she awake? Is she okay? Does she still have the same feelings for me that she once did? Or does she like Grayson like he likes her? All these questions but no answers, at least none now.

So I love the little part where gray and Sean have there father and son moment, how do you feel about Grayson liking Alia? What do you think about Ethan knowing he likes her how do you think he found out?

Love Faith

Instagram graysexx


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