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Its been hours me gray and Micah have been sitting in the lobby waiting for something to happen hoping she is okay "Alia Anderson" I shoot my head up "Over here" I wave he walks over with a clip board and a pen in his hands "Alia is okay but she will be in the hospital for a week we don't want to send her home like this we want to give her some time to clear her mind as well as rest her body she is very lucky she survived no one ever survives cutting upward it is very surprising honestly but if you would like you could go in and see her but is there any parents or guardians here for her?" He looks at all of us.

I shake my head "No does there have to be?" He nods "Yes do you have a phone to call one?" I nod "I have her phone but I don't want to call her dad in" I explain "I could call his girlfriend" he agrees "I just need someone over the age of 18 to sign this" he tells us "Hey Alice this is Ethan alias boyfriend could you come to the hospital please?" She gasps "What is wrong?!" I sigh "Something happened with Alia could you just come?" I hear shuffling on the other end "Yes I'm on my way" she hangs up "She is on her way" he nods handing me the clip board "When she gets here have her sign this then bring it to room 120" I nod with a small smile.

I sigh sitting back it seems like hours until Alice shows up "What's wrong?" She hurried
Over to us "Alia attempted suicide" Grayson tells her she gasps putting her hand over her mouth "Where is her father?" She questioned "We don't know but I don't want that man near my girlfriend" I say looking over to Grayson he has a uneasy look set to his face I raise a brow at him basically asking if he was okay he shakes his head I squint my eyes and he looks down.

Alice calls Alias father Richard I never brought her dads name in the story at least I don't think I did. She shakes her head "He didn't answer" she places her hand on her hip "What happened" she rubs her forehead "I really am busy I have places to be as much as I want to be here for her I have work to attend I have to be there by 11:00 pm" she looks down at her watch that sits on her small wrist "Look Alice I come to realization that you don't know what happens to Alia when you aren't at your boyfriends house" her forehead crinkles up "What do you mean" she walks over to us taking a seat next to Micah sitting up crossing her legs making her black pencil skirt tighten around her thick tan legs that are covered with tights.

Micah looks at Grayson then to me "Do you really not know" she sticks her hands in her warm coat "No I don't could you explain" she moves her blond hair from her face Jennifer Aniston plays Alice but Alice's hair isn't dirty blond its straight blonde. "I hate to be the one to say this" I bite my lip knowing if I tell her Alia would be pissed she loves Alice she looks at her like a second mom she tells me how much she likes her all the time and that she doesn't want Alice to know what her dad does because she is afraid she would leave an never come back.

I clear my throat before proceeding with what I'm telling her "Richard rapes her" I say ever so lowly I look up at Alice to see tears in her eyes and her hand over her mouth "Did I hear that right?" She stutters "The man that is her father, the man that is supposed to protect her from all bad, the man that is supposed to not want her to be with boys, the man that is supposed to love and care for her at all cost rapes that sweet innocent girl?!" She quickly yells her face drooping "Yes" Micah answers for me looking down, tears flood from her eyes quickly.

She wipes under her eyes "That girl in there is mine" she gets up writing something on a piece of paper "This is my number I'm going on a business trip soon I'm going to be on it for a month I'll be back on January 4th when I get back we will figure everything out he is going to prison and that is my word" she bites her lip "Sign this" I hand her the clip board she takes it signing it she hands it back "Keep me updated on her" she says walking out the hospital sniffling.

I look at Micah then gray "She is gonna hate me" Micah shakes his head "She will be okay let's go" he gets up me and gray get up following him to room 120 we knock on the door, it opens to the same doctor "Here" I hand him the clip board "She isn't awake yet but as of right now everything is okay" he moves to the side showing us Alia laying in bed with tuns of cords hooked up to her the only noise in the room is the beeping sound from the small thing she is hooked up to.

"I'll leave you guys alone" the doctor walks out shutting the door "What are we gonna do?" Micah asks tears running down his face I completely understand this is his bestfriend that he just happens to be in love with "We wait" Grayson walks over to her grabbing her hand I stand there not knowing how to consume this my girlfriend is laying in front of me barley alive "All good things come with patience" Gray says "I hope so" I say listening to the small beeping noise that goes off every other second, I don't have patience I'm scared of waiting that's been one of my phobias since I was a kid how long do I have to wait for my girlfriend to wake up and be okay?.

I like this book so far I like how it's going I hope you do to.

Love Faith

Instagram graysexx

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A walk to remember-G.D.Where stories live. Discover now