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Do you ever just think what life would be like if you didn't have that one person there ruining it? Cause I think about it all the time. I wonder how he would feel if he was hurt like I am, I wonder why he hurts me does he know the pain he is putting me through? Does he even understand how I feel, does he think I deserve it? I've never understood why I get hurt and let down all the time, my life is like a story. But I'm not the one writing it.

Alia Anderson

I shut my diary and I place it in my safe. My dad comes running in my room with a belt he comes at me with it hitting me where ever it lands "Stop" I plead he doesn't listen he just hits me harder "Pleaseeee" I cry he goes to pull my hair but I kick him in his balls he falls to his knees and holds his balls as he groans "Fuck" he says getting back up.

He grabs my arm then throws me on the bed. He rips my sun dress off my cut up body throwing it to the ground. I go to pull away from his grasp but he yanks my arm "What did I do?!" I yell sobbing "What haven't you done? I told you to do the dishes cause I have a girl coming over tonight!" He screams at me he pulls his belt off then wips his member out.

He squeezes himself inside of me causing me to whimper. I beg him to stop but he doesn't he just yanks at my hair as he roughly rapes me.

After I cleaned up the blood from me cutting myself I walked into my sons room. Yes I said son I have a son at the age of 18 I know it doesn't make any sense a 12th grader having a baby before graduating but things happen. This baby should not be here at all this baby was for sure a mistake no doubt about it, but from being raped millions of times you would expect to get pregnant.

Never in a million years would I think of living with my abusive father but sadly my mother passed when I was nine. I moved with my father after the tragic death of my mother she died from a heart attack she had many issues with her health. When I moved with my dad he began doing things with me a week after being settled in, I didn't know what was happening I was only nine I didn't know nothing of sex I didn't even have a period yet.

I was a mistake as well, my mother got pregnant with me when she was completely out of it my dad took advantage of her at a party. She had me took care of me and loved me until she passed.

I pick up my crying baby as my father yells my name "Alia Marie Anderson" I roll my eyes as I put the baby on my hip. I walk down the stairs to see a middle aged woman with blonde hair "This is my daughter" he smiles to her, is he really gonna act like everything is okay? He just raped me not even 20 minutes ago "Hello I'm Alice" she pulls me into a side hug "I'm Alia" I mumble.

I follow them to the dining table filled with food. I set the baby in his seat then I sit down. My dad passes me a plate and I put food on it "So is he your son as well?" Alice asks him he nods "Yes his name is Xavier" he grins up at me "Who is the mother?" She asks my father gulps "Her name is Marie Martinez she is rican" he tells her "But she passed not that long ago" he mumbles as Alice says 'sorry about your loss' over and over again im past it my mother died years ago.

I put my hand on my forehead, with a sigh I walk into the kitchen to grab my son some milk "You need to play along" I hear from behind me I turn around with the bottle in my hand; shaking it. I suck in my breathe "Play along with what?" I mumble knowing what he is gonna say "Xavier isnt your kid"he points his finger at me "But that is a li-" he cuts me off by wrapping his hand around my throat making me drop the bottle out of nervousness "He's not your kid understand?" He raises a brow at me "Yes" I feel my eyes well up with tears "Just let me go" I mumble as his hand un tightens from my throat.

He walks back to the dining room as I pick up my babies bottle. I walk to the dining room and hand my baby his bottle he is only nine months so I feed him at the high chair to get used to it. I sit back down in my chair as Alice begins speaking "So Alia what school do you go to?" She wipes her mouth with a paper towel "I go to long field high" I say softly she nods with a smile "That's a good school" she begins "My daughter went there" she sips her water "How old is your daughter?" I ask she chews her food then proceeds to speak "She is 21" she smiles "You will meet her some time" I nod getting up from the table "I should get to bed" I say getting up from the table looking at the time on my phone reading 11:54 "Yes and don't forget to put a timer we don't want another Monday" my dad raises his brow with a smirk.

I take a deep breath. I don't want another Monday like last Monday, I woke up with my father in my mouth literally I had to give him a blow job at 6:30 in the morning. I take my tired baby to his room. I walk to my room shutting the door with a sigh tomorrow should be fun.

Okay so let me start off real quick by saying not in any way am I making rape,cutting,or abuse a joke this is simply for the storyline. I know this stuff actually happens and I'm sorry for the people out there that get treated that way no one deserves that but this book is a very very triggering book so I am warning you.

Love Faith

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