40) My Little Sides

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Roman loved the imagination, his home. He especially loved walking the hall of mirrors like he was right then. Every wall of the corridor-like room was lined with mirrors of different sizes, shapes and types. On one paticularly rough day, Roman headed to the hall to relax, and stood in front of his favorite mirror: a beautifully ornate, gem-encrusted, gold mirror he had made for himself. It was the first mirror he had ever put in the hall, and it stood proudly next to the mirror Virgil had given him for their anniversary.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a bright pink smoke encasing one of his mirrors. The mirror in question sat a few inches above the floor on a dual-tiered periwinkle pedestal. The purple horseshoe-shaped frame had seven pink jewels set in it. Ornate black scriptwork danced around the edges, ending a few inches above the top to hold a plaque inscribed with the image of a cartoonish horse. Roman tilted his head and started towards the mirror. He paused as the lights in the room flickered off; the mirror glowed brighter. It appeared almost menacing, but Roman was not one to step away from a challenge. Roman set one hand on the mirror and immediately fainted.

Virgil dragged Patton and Logan into the Imagination with him only an two hours later. He claimed he was sick of waiting for Princey, but they all knew he was worried. Roman should have returned to the mind palace a while ago. Logan complained that he was sure Roman was fine, but even he was worried about Roman. Patton followed Virgil hoping nothing had happened to his adopted son. Virgil led them all into Roman's hall of mirrors. Logan sighed, "I didnt think even Roman could love himself this much."

"Can it, Nerd. He should be here," Virgil snapped.

"Guys, should this one be glowing?" Patton asked, gently touching the horseshoe mirror. To him, he had fainted. To Logan and Virgil, who had just turned around, Patton was sucked into the glass of the mirror.

Virgil's eyes widened. "Pat!" Logan stood in shocked silence; he ran towards the mirror and touched it, the same thing happening to him. Virgil was left standing alone in the hall of mirrors. Slowly, he walked forwards and touched the glass; suprisingly, he did not faint but walked right through the glass. A flash of white light blinded him for an instant and, seconds later, soft grass tickled his hooves. Virgil peered through his dark charcoal mane that hung in bangs in front of his eyes, cautiously moving a dark purple hoof clad in his old hoodie.

"Virgil?!" Virgil looked up quickly. In front of him stood a tall, white alicorn. Oddly, it was male with a mane like flickering flames and red-gold collar and shoes. His crown was a strikingly simple gold design.


"This... this isnt new to you?"

"No. Ive been here before a couple times. I put that mirror in your room to hide it," Virgil answered.

"I despise this." Virgil turned around and sighed.

"Im sure you do, Logan. It doesnt fit your logic," he said to a ebony unicorn. His dark colbalt mane was slicked back and dark glasses sat on his muzzle. Logan glared at him.

"Where is Patton?"

"Im here!" Patton landed beside him. Virgil's eyes widened.

"Oh, dear. Pat, youre a-"

"Colt! Isnt it great?! I get to be the kiddo!" Patton smiled brightly. Virgil couldnt help but smile back at the excited ice-blue coat. The little pony had a sky blue mane laying in messy curls and waves on his head; his kitty cardigan tied around his neck.

"Sure, Pat. Lets go. Ive got a few friends." Virgil led them away.

"Ooh! I like friends!" Patton hovered behind him a few inches of the ground. Roman cantered alongside Virgil, and Logan followed behind.

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