3A) Fantasy Boy

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Idea by: QTDerp4 on Amino
"Please!" Roman begged, "Just this once!"

"No, I don't want to go to your nonsense fantasy land with you," Logan replied stubbornly.

"Puhleeeaasse!" Roman begged.

"Ugh, fine. Just this once," Logan replied throwing his hands up. Roman leapt to his feet.

"Yay! Let's go!" Roman shouted.

"Wait, I need my..." Logan began. Roman waved his arms around and transported them both just outside a large, moss-covered, stone castle. "...books," Logan sighed.

Roman raised his sword above his head, grabbed Logan's hand, and pulled him after him towards the castle.

"Please tell me you have a plan," Logan drawled.

"I have a plan," Roman said. Logan sighed in relief. "Not!" Roman yelled.

"Oh Come On!"

Roman giggled, storming inside the castle. "Foul witch, show yourself!" Roman yelled into the castle. His voice echoed off the walls.

"I highly doubt..." Logan began. Suddenly, a women dressed in blood red silk stepped into view at the top of the stairs. Logan stared in disbelief.

"Prince Roman, so we meet again," the witch said, voice as thick as honey, "Oh, and look, you brought a friend."

"Camille, today will be the day I stop your madness, with the help of my friend, Logan." Roman decreed.

"Logan is it? Isn't he cute? So pretty... Mmm..." Camille sighed, staring at Logan.

"Come down here, and face your fate!" Roman said valiantly.

Camille raises one hand in a thinking gesture. "Mmm... no. But you know what... I want him..." She said, pointing a finger at Logan.

Logan's eyes fluttered. "Me?"

"Yes, you," Camille said turning to Roman, "he's mine now. You can go." She waved one hand to dismiss Roman. At the same time, she cast a spell on Logan with the other. Logan fell over, seemingly asleep, then disappeared.

Roman stared at the place Logan had been a few seconds ago. "Bring him back, you witch!"

"Mmm... no. He's too pretty. I just want to stare at him all day. Now, I. said. GO!" Roman was sent back to the mind palace by a gust of magic wind.

"Nooooooooo!" Roman cried, falling to his knees.

---------A Few Days Later---------

Roman snuck up the steps of the castle quietly. Sure, he knew that Camille was at a monthly meeting for witches, but one couldn't be too careful.

As Roman had searched every other place in the castle, he was sure this was the one he was looking for.

Roman slowly opened the heavy oak door. Once inside, he looked around the room. The was only one thing in the room. A glass coffin.

Roman quickly went to the coffin and peered inside. Inside was a sleeping Logan. Roman's heart rate quickened. Was it possible to look more beautiful asleep? Apparently, it was.

Roman transported the coffin and himself back to the mindpalace.

After a few hours of pacing, Roman threw his hands up in frustration. He still had no clue how to wake up Logan.

Virgil walked into Roman's room.

"Still not figure it out, Princey?" Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow.

Roman glared at him.

"For a Prince who loves Disney, your pretty dense," Virgil quipped.

"Ha Ha, very funny, you emo nightmare," Roman responded.

"Oh, come on, Romano! You're a prince? Disney?" Virgil said, amazed at Roman's stupidity. Roman was still very confused.

Finally, Virgil gave up. "True love's kiss, you dult!"

"OH! I am very stupid, are I not?"

"Yes... yes, you are." Roman rolled his eyes at Virgil. Leaning over the coffin, he kissed Logan softly.

Logan's eyelids flutter and he sat up. "My head... What just happened?" Logan asked, staring at the giggling Virgil and the blushing Roman.


"You know, the original concept, straight from my messed up brain, was to have Logan die at the end because Roman couldn't wake him up. But I decided to be nice. Smiles!"


Question of the update: What is your favorite dessert? Mine is very dark chocolate.

Media link: https://pin.it/dpvylkdd3b2yz4

Originally Published: 6/15/2018
Edited: 7/2/2018

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