36) Hidden Powers Pt.3

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Patton's eyes opened slowly. He stared up at a familiar ceiling. 'Wait...' Patton thought, bolting upright, 'This isn't right!' He lay, well now sat, in his bed at home. He should be at S.M.S headquarters and labs.

Roman gently lay his confused boyfriend back down. "Calm down, Pat. You are safe," Roman assured.

"Ro? Why am I at home? How am I at home?" Patton asked, pain lacing his voice.

"Shush, Patton. You have a lot of cuts, burns, and injection wounds. You have to be in pain."

"I am, but I'm serious, Ro. How am I at home?" Patton asked again as he watched Roman stand and leave the room. He came back with two pain tablets and a glass of water for Patton.

"It's a long story..."

[Three Days Ago]

"Logan! Put down the list! We've got everything!" I demanded, plucking the list we'd already been through twice out of his hands.

"Hey!" Logan shouted, jumping in a futile attempt to get his precious list back. "We've been planning for a week! This can't go wrong!"

"It won't!"

"But it could..."

I glared at Logan a bit. "Let's not think about that. It can't. That's all we know for sure," I comforted, "Oh, great! Now, I sound like you."

Logan glared at me. "I'm not sure your infinitesimal vocabulary would allow for that." He picked up one of the backpacks from the ground and pulled it on. I snatched up the other one and followed after him.

"What does that mean?!"

As we retraced our steps, I thought about what we would be if this went well. "Heros. That's what we'll be, Logan." He stopped and turned to face me.

"If you can remeber the plan and not screw this up," He huffed, "Come on now. Quit daydreaming. We are almost there." He held his wrists out to me. I snapped handcuffs around them. Logan flexed his fingers and tested the cuffs. "Why did I agree to this?" He muttered to himself.

"You came up with the plan, nerd. Onwards!" I grabbed the chain connecting his wrists and pulled him stumbling after me to the door of S.M.S headquarters.

"Ow! Stop pulling like that, you buffoon!" Logan stated angrily. I laughed and knocked on the front door. The door opened a little.

"What do you want?" He asked. I pushed Logan in front of me roughly. He barred his teeth at me and snarled.

"I heard that you collect people with superpowers and keep them away from the rest of humanity. So, I brought this one here." I announced, as Logan growled.

"Make no mistake, Mr. Prince, they are not people. What can Mr. Glass do?"

"None of your business!" Logan snapped. I rolled my eyes.

"Telepathy and portal magicks."

"Ah! Very good. Thank you for bringing him here. I might as well ask. What would you say to joining the team? We could use people like you."

Without thinking, I nodded. "Yeah, sure!" Logan looked startled as he was dragged inside and pulled down a different corridor. He's a pretty good actor. He appeared terrified.

Anyway, the man beckoned me to follow him. So, I did. He gave me a tour of the building and introduced himself as Dave.

"This is a mighty fine place you've got here, Dave," I complimented.

"Thank you, Roman," He said, turning to face me. He stood directly between me and a solid metal door. "Now, I am sure you are eager to become a member of this amazing organization, but I must first scan you for powers."

I swallowed hard. "Why?"

"To prevent spies, misleaders and the likes. Do come; it will not take long," He stated. I looked back and debated running for it. With a defeated sigh, I followed him into the room. Following his instructions, I stepped inside a small glass case. He sealed the door and stood at a panel. When he pressed a button and when that red beam started tracing my body, my heart pounded in my chest. The beam vanished, but its disappearance only hearlded the sound of alarms screaming.

"I would not have pegged you for a spy, Mr. Prince. Though, I do suppose this was a ploy to get your precious boyfriend back," Dave drawled, tapping the panel again. A sweet mist filled the case. I growled at him before I started coughing. "I do hate to tell you that your little stunt is going to cost him dearly." My eyes widened as Dave's intentions hit me.

A few hours later, I opened my eyes to find Logan standing over me glaring. "El principe es muy estupido," he spoked harshly.

"What?" I asked, sitting up. I held my head as pain flashed through my skull.

"I said you were stupid. Now they know we both pose a threat! It went wrong, Roman! It went wrong!" He lectures, very clearly freaking out.

"Why are you so freaked out? You are usually so calm," I questioned in confusion.

"Because I just heard Patton scream the most hearbroken and pained scream imaginable!"

My heart sank. "No..."

"Yes! We've got to get them, and ourselves, out of this torture house!" He had been pacing around the room. He stopped suddenly in front of the bars of our cell. "Roman, bend these bars."

"Do what now?!"

"Bend these bars," he repeated, "Although they know you have powers, I highly suspect they have no idea what those powers are." I rolled my eyes and bent the bars open enough for us to pass through.

"Well then..." It was Logan's turn to roll his eyes. I led him down the corridor towards the lab rooms. Once there, I knocked the guards unconscious while Logan worked on picking the lock. The lock snapped open and the door pushed inwards. Logan quickly made a portal home and scooped up Virgil. I picked up you. We nodded at each other and rushed through the portal; the room filled with guards as the portal closed behind us.


Patton ahook his head in disbelief. "So... wait. How long have I been out?"

"You both have been unconscious for the past three days. We were about to bring you both to the hospital."

"And you mean to tell me that both you and Logan have powers?"


Patton smiled. "Yay!" Roman laughed and ran his fingers down Patton's soft grey wings. Patton giggled and kissed Roman softly. Roman returned the kiss.

"I'm glad too, darling, but you and Virgil have a lot of explaining to do."

"I know, Ro."


"Yeah, so the original was not this long, but well... this one is way better. Thanks for all the support, guys! Part 4 coming soon! Get ready for Logan's retelling!"


Published: 09/18/2018

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