26) Broken Lies

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Thomas had just finished setting up the camera. He quickly summoned his sides and turned the camera on. His sides appeared in their usual places and they began filming.


"As I was saying, Thomas, I know your-" Virgil's voice was cut off. The rest turned to stare at him. A shadowy figure had clamped his yellow gloved hand firmly over Virgil's mouth. His other arm restrained a struggling Virgil. Virgil was pulling on the man's arm, trying to uncover his mouth. His head was pressed against the man's chest. A collective gasp came from the other sides. Thomas looked around confused.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" Thomas's voice was laced with worry.

"DECEIT!" Logan screamed, pointing a finger at the figure.

"Who?" Thomas asked bewildered. Deceit rolled his eyes.

"It is very important. Virgil belongs here and not with me. I am not taking him back," Deceit said calmly.

"He speaks only in untruths, Thomas! Reverse what you hear!" Logan stated.

"GET AWAY FROM MY STRANGE DARK SON!" Patton cried. Roman took a step towards Deceit, drawing his sword in the process. The whole time Virgil had been struggling to speak. He had finally managed to remove Deceit's hand.

"ROMAN! STAY BACK!" Virgil pleaded, sadness clouding his voice. Tears slid down his face. Deceit quickly clamped his hand back over the anxious trait's mouth.

"More words out of you! We are not leaving now," Deceit hissed, vanishing into thin air. Virgil vanished with him. Roman sliced his sword at Deceit's head as he vanished, but, instead of striking the snake, it swept through nothing.

"We have to go after them!" Patton yelped.

"Who was that? Another side? Am I a liar? What's happening?" Thomas began freaking out. Suddenly he groaned and collapsed to the gloor. Roman and Patton stared at Logan, who was sanding above the sleeping Thomas.

"What? All I did was render him unconscious for a bit. He will be sufficiently fine in aproximently three or four hours," Logan stated. The other two simply nodded and sunk down.


A few hours later, the sides had all but given up hope of finding Virgil. A low moan echoed through the mind. The sides shared a look before following the sound.


Deceit set the whip back on the shelf. He dusted off his hands and turned to stared at his handy work. Virgil lay on the ground, crumpled in a ball. Blood flowed over his bare back and pooled around him on the floor. He was whimpering. Deceit smiled to himself. "I didn't tell you never to leave," Deceit said with a shrug.

The door swung open, crashing into the wall hard. Roman raced into the room sword drawn. "Begone, you fiend!" Deceit shrugged. "Well, I have not finished with my work. I will not be back!" He laughed before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Roman glared at the spot he had been.

"You better not be lying!" Roman commanded. Patton knelt down by Virgil's side and comforted the man while Logan applied bandages.


When they returned, Thomas was sitting upright on his couch. He looked concerned when he saw Virgil's bloody hoodie.

"What happened?" Thomas asked. Virgil sighed.

"It's not important. None of you will remember this anyway."

"And to think I thought he was nice... Wait, what do you mean 'won't remember'?" Roman demanded. Instead of answering, Virgil sprayed a mist into his face. Roman shut his mouth and looked relaxed. He sunk down into his room. One by one, Virgil repeated the process. He stared into Logan's eyes.

"I'm going to let you remember."


"As a safe guard, if he returns, when he returns."

"I understand. Thank you for trusting me." Virgil pulled Logan into a hug, before kissing him gently. He stepped back and winked, sinking down. Logan stood still, blushing hard.



"An idea into a reality. A special thanks to All Hail Prince on Amino (http://aminoapps.com/p/0nwkmb) for helping set the story! Smiles!"


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