32) Hidden Powers

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Wind whistled softly through the trees. Crickets chirped sweetly in the tall grass on either side of the path. Patton and Virgil walked side by side down the path, laughing. Virgil looked up and sighed. "What do you think they are up to?" Virgil asked.

"Knowing them, probably watching some kind of Disney movie while Logan points out inconsistencies. Why?" Patton answered.

"Do you think their safe?"

Patton sighed and hugged Virgil. "I'm sure they are, Virge. We've been very careful. I worry, too." Patton comforted.

But at that exact moment, halfway across the city, Roman and Logan were not safe. They were being watched.

"Hey! Stop talking! I'm trying to watch here!" Roman whined.

"I'm just saying that-" Logan tried. Roman glared at him and Logan immediately stopped talking. Roman went back to the movie, but Logan couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He glanced around the room, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Shaking his head, he returned his attention to the screen. The door flew open, tearing both sets of eyes of the screen. Roman opened his mouth to scream, but a large man stuck his hand over his mouth. Roman struggled in the man's grip, eventually making the man get another man to help him.

Logan's approach was much different. He backed away until he hit a wall. A tall women advanced on him slowly. He swallowed and put his hands in the air. The woman seized his wrists and forced them down behind him. She bound them together with a zip tie.

Soon, Roman was similarly bound and both boys were loaded into a truck. The truck doors shut and they heard the driver start the truck. Logan fell as the truck started forwards.


Virgil followed Patton up the stairs to their apartment door. Patton stuck a key in the lock and twisted. Shoving open the door, the males were greeted with the familiar sight of their apartment. However, two things were missing. Patton's boyfriend Roman, and Virgil's boyfriend Logan. Patton and Virgil exchanged looks.

"LOGAN! ROMAN! WE ARE HOME!" Virgil shouted. Patton giggled.

"I'll bet their playing hide-and-seek with us again." Virgil sighed.

"Fine. Let's go find them." An hour later, the pair had searched everywhere. Still, they had not found them. Virgil was beginning to worry. "Where are they, Pat?!"

"I don't know," Patton admitted, "Maybe they went out somewhere."

"They would have left a note!" Virgil said, hurrying into the kitchen to check for a note. He almost missed the paper on the counter weighed down by a golden moon covered in stars. Patton swore. Virgil looked up to see Patton holding the heavy emblem. He felt his heart crack.

"No..." Virgil said softly.

"How did they find us?! We were so careful!" Patton exclaimed. Virgil took the paper and read it. His eyes widened as he did. "What does it say, Virge?"

"Dearest Virgil and Patton,

We found you. We want you to come willingly to the building on E. Mason St. with the dark red seal on the door. Do come quickly, or it may get worse for your significant others. When you arrive, you know the drill. No weapons, no resistance. Just give yourselves up and we'll let them go unharmed. We will be seeing you."

With love,
The Society of the Moon and Stars

Patton sobbed. "No... this can't be happening." Virgil put a hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay, Patton. We'll go save them. Come on."


Meanwhile, Logan and Roman had been separated when the truck finally stopped. Logan now sat in a small, white room at a small, white table. A man came in sat down across from him. "Logan Glass?" Logan nodded. "You're boyfriend is Virgil Black, correct?" Logan nodded again. "Mr. Glass, I am sure you were not aware, but your boyfriend exhibits special powers. I know this makes little sense, but just listen." The man set two photos on the table. One showed Virgil standing threateningly, his hands forward. A deep purple smoke swirled around them. The other showed the same, but from the front. Virgil's eyes were bright white. Logan gasped. "These are photographs of Mr. Black taken one year ago." Logan shook his head.

"N-no! That can't be him! He's harmless!" Logan stammered.

"Far from harmless, I'm afraid. Don't worry. We will be letting you leave as soon as he arrives."

"What are you going to do to him?!"

"That does not concern you. I bid you a good day, and I hope that he comes quickly." The man left the room and Logan's heart dropped. Superpowers? Virgil?


In the next room over, Roman also sat at a small, white table in a small, white room. He looked around as a bulky man entered the room and sat across from him. "Roman Prince?"


"Your boyfriend is Patton Sanders, correct?"

"Yes, he is. What does he have to do with this?" Roman answered with a question.

"Calm down, Mr. Prince. Your Patton is special."

"Which way do you mean precisely? There are so many."

"He has wings." The man responded, setting photographs on the table. Each one showed a man, clearly Patton, with soft gray wings. Roman bit his lip.

"What great photoshop!"

"Sir, this is not photoshop. Do not fear, he is coming to save you. When he arrives, you will be set free."

"And Patton?"

"Will stay here with us."

"For how long?"

"Indefinitly." The man answered standing and leaving the room.


A tinny ring sounded in the building as Patton and Virgil pushed open a door with a red mark. They stood in the entryway for a moment before two men entered the room. Virgil and Patyon both set their hands on their heads. The men came forwards. One undid Patton's cardigan, which slid off his shoulders, revealing his gray wings. The man clipped the wings together and tied Patton's wrists together. The other man bound Virgil's hands together tightly. He twisted a thin thread around Virgil's wrists. The thread prevent Virgil from using his magic.

Patton and Virgil were shoved forward roughly. At the same time, a third man was leading Roman and Logan out the door. Logan gasped when he saw the others. Roman looked like he might cry. The man shoved the two out the door and onto the street. "Have a nice day," He stated as Virgil and Patton were led away.



"As predicted, this one-shot will have at least one more part. Until then, smiles!"


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