10) Happy Mornings, Happy Nights Pt.2

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A special thanks to QTDerp4 on Amino for helping me decide on Patton's behavior in this chapter. Thank you!

Patton snuck out of Logan's room, gripping his camera tightly. He had spent hours in Logan's closet, snapping photos of the pair through the slots in the door.

He was really surprised they hadn't noticed. He had accidentally left the flash on after all.

But they hadn't noticed, that's all that mattered.


The next morning was hard on Patton. He made pancakes, coaching himself on keeping quiet all the while.

His favorite ship had sailed, but he couldn't say a word. Patton frowned.

"Patton?" Logan asked from behind, "Why are you frowning?"

Patton whirled around eyes wide in suprise. "Ah, oh, um, uh, no reason. Everything is just dandy," he smiled.

"If you are sure, Patton. You know we do not like it when you are sad," Logan responded.

"Yeppers! I'm sure. So..." Patton exclaimed, "how did you sleep?"

Logan dropped his mug. Patton spun around.

"Oh, how clumsy of me. If you must know, I slept particularly well last night," Logan replied sheepishly.

"I'll be," Patyon mumbled under his breath.

"Patton..." Logan began.

"PANCAKES!" Roman shouted, coming into the room.

Logan looked at Roman. Roman shared a look with Logan. Patyon looked at both of them, smiling.

"Pancakes for everyone! Even you, Logan!" Patton decreed.

"No thank y- oh!" Logan started. Patton grabbed him by the shoulders and sat him down in the chair next to Roman. Logan only glared.

"Fine. I guess I can consume a few."

"Mhm. Yep. You will. While sitting right next to Roman. Uh-huh. Yes." Patton giggled.

"Patton, are you sure you are fine? Are you sure you are not ill?"

"I am just dandy and not sick at all!"

Roman and Logan shared another look. "Patton..." Roman began, "What exactly are you trying, horribly might I add, to keep a secret?"

"I SAW YOU TWO KISS AND SLEEP TOGETHER! ARE YOU A COUPLE? HOW LONG? I TOOK PICTURES!" Patton said, bubbling with excitement. Logan rushed over to Patton and put a hand over his mouth.

"Patton, be quiet!" Logan hissed.

"Patton, yes, we are a couple. Have been for a few weeks. You have to promise not to tell Thomas or Virgil or anyone for that matter. And no showing ANYONE those pictures," Roman warned, "Or else, no cookies!"

Patton's eyes widened and he nodded in agreement. Logan removed his hand.

"I cross my heart and hope to die, stick a cookie in my eye." Patton promised.

Virgil came into the kitchen. "What is all the yelling about?" He asked groggily.

The other three laughed.



"Sorry if this wasn't the ending you were expecting, but this is it. I enjoyed writing this, and hope you liked reading it. But seriously, request something. I want, no, need requests! Smiles!"


Question of the Update:

How easy is it for you to keep a secret?

It really depends for me. If it's worth keeping, I'll keep it. If I were Patton, I'm sorry, but both Thomas and Virgil would seen the pictures in under a month.

Originally Published: 6/28/2018

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