27) Deceit's Game Pt.7A

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Logan stared into the mirror at his haunted eyes. He had been crying in private every single day since he had shoved Virgil out the door. He just couldn't bring himself to believe that Virgil would do any of the things they accused him of. And yet...

Logan stared at himself for a minute more. The others could not know he missing the anxious trait. They might be angry at him for wanting their torturer back. Maybe he could convince them that Virgil wasn't lying. Maybe he could convince them to let Virgil back in. Maybe... It was unlikely, but Logan had to try.

Logan left his room and went down to the commons. There he summoned Roman and Patton. They appeared with concerned expressions. Logan never summoned.

"Logie? Are you okay? You look like you've been crying," Patton said softly.

"Logan, have you been eating?" Roman asked.

"I... yes, I have been eating, and I'm just tired, Pat. I wanted to talk to you about Vir-" Logan began.

"Do NOT say that name in this house." Patton's voice rose slightly. Logan was beginning to think this wasn't his best idea.

"Look, Patton, maybe he wasn't lying. Maybe we're all wrong. We should let him explain. We didn't let him before!" Logan attempted.

"If I recall correctly, Pocket Protector, it was you that shoved him out the door and locked it before he could defend himself. A good decision on your part," Roman stated. Logan stared at him.

"What? No! It-" Logan started.

"Logan, I know you are upset about this. We all are. But you have to let it go. If he really cared, he wouldn't have locked me in a room full of creepy crawly death dealers," Patton comforted. Logan stood there, his mouth open to defend Virgil, to convince the others to let him back in. He closed his mouth. It was pointless. The other two had decided and they wouldn't be changing their minds.

"You're right, Patton. I'm sorry I even suggested bringing that traitor back here. He doesn't deserve the second chance.," Logan stated stoically.

"Alright, Teach! Who wants to watch some Disney?" Roman cheered. Patton shouted for Deceit to join them while Roman started the movie. Logan sat on the sofa, and watched in silence.


It was midnight. The witching hour. Logan snuck through the house quietly to the door. He wanted to see Virgil one more time. He wanted to let him explain. Upon opening the door, Logan grew confused to not see Virgil sitting against it. He looked out into the darkness. He stepped forwards, quickly checking that he could get back in, and walked into the darkness.

A few minutes later, Logan stumbled upon a small shed. The door creaked as he pushed it open. By now, his eyes had adjusted to the darkness. He glanced around the small space inside. A startled gasp left his mouth. He was shocked at what he saw. Virgil chained to a wall, covered in cuts, scratches, and burns, all oozing blood. His hoodie and shirt lay discarded on the ground. He was thin, so thin that his ribs could be seen. Logan fought back tears as he stepped towards him. "Vi-Virgil?" Logan questioned. Virgil lifted his head to look into Logan's eyes.


"What happened to you?! Who did this to you?!" Logan cried as he knelt beside Virgil trying to undo the chains.

"Logan, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to give you a second chance... The others... not so much. They wouldn't let you come and defend yourself. I... I just couldn't believe it. I..."

"Logan. You should leave."

"I will, as soon as I get you out of these chains."

"No, Logan. I meant without me." Logan looked at Virgil startled.

"Without you? I could-"

"Logan! Listen to me! Leave! Now!"

"I can't Virgil! Not without you! I love you!" Logan practically screamed.

"Lo, I love you, too. But-"

"Well, well, well. Aren't these confessions darling," Deceit drawled.

"Deceit? You did this! It was you!" Logan shouted.

"Indeed I did, Logan. Unfortunately, you found him. Now, I have to keep you quiet, too."

"Not if I quiet you first." Logan challenged. He advanced on Deceit. With a whirl of Deceit's gloved hand, Logan found himself on his knees, his wrists chained to the ground next to Virgil. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"My, you just won't be quiet, will you?" Deceit hissed. He drew back his cape and took out a whip. "Now, I want your loudest screams."


Virgil was crying. Deceit had mutilated his love in front of his eyes. Logan was curled into a ball on the ground, crying softly. Blood dripped from his hair. "Logan?" Virgil tried, "I love you."

"I love you, too, Virgil." His hoarse voice replied.


Deceit pushed open the door to the shed. He had managed to convince Roman and Patton that Logan had been in on the torture with his forged note. Now that no one would come looking for the pair, it was time to finish this.

"Well, boys, this has been fun. But I am getting bored. Virgil, you never should have left. Logan, you never should have come looking. I'm going to unchain you both now. I know you aren't strong enough to attack me right now. So..." Deceit stated, twirling his hand. The chains holding the pair disappeared. Virgil collapsed to the floor, and quickly crawled over to embrace Logan. Logan returned the embrace.

"How sweet, but I have to go. Goodbye!" Deceit sang as he left the shed and locked the door.

After Deceit left, the building began to crumble and crack. Logan looked at Virgil sadly. "It's fading. We're fading."

"I know, Logan. But before we do. I want to try something. If you're okay with it that is." Logan simply nodded. Virgil raised Logan's head gently and pressed a kiss to his lips. He held it for a bit before pulling away. Logan kept his eyes closed for a few seconds and purred. They kissed again, before curling up together. They faded in each others arms.



"So... this was the not so happy ending. It was brutal. Sorry, not sorry. Smiles!"


Question of the Update:

What do you think of Deceit's Game?

It was fun to write...

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