5) Tap Dance

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Idea by: Pattoncake on Amino

Logan walked down the street slowly. He really didn't want to do this. But his mother had insisted that he do something with other kids his age.

She said he spent too much time with his nose in a book, or doing "experiments".

Logan supposed she was right; he didn't really have many friends. But, still, tap dancing?

With a sigh, Logan shoved open the door to the studio. His gaze went around the room, silently analyzing everything and everyone.

The tall women in the front of the room was most clearly the teacher. She was lithe and graceful with an air of confidence about her.

Then there were the students. Oddly, there were only 4 other people in the studio, excluding himself.

One, who he would later learn was called Virgil, was medium in height, none too graceful, and wore all black clothing. His taps were a bit too sharp and hard.

Another, Roman, was taller, more graceful, and, in way, handsome. He was helping Virgil balance.

The other two in the room were clearly the more experienced ones. They were challenging themselves to, what in Logan's mind were, ridiculously fast and unnecessarily complicated steps.

The first was Thomas. Thomas was the oldest of the group and the most experienced member of the class. He spent a lot of his time helping the teacher with Virgil and Roman.

The other was... interesting. He smiled all the time, his eyes sparkled, and he was graceful. Logan couldn't help but stare at the boy.

"Hello! You must be new! My name is Patton!" The boy said, eagerly taking Logan's hand and shoke it vigorously.

"Logan," Logan responded, adjusting his glasses. Up close it was clear that Patton was tall, very tall. In fact, Logan had to tilt his head up to look him in the eye. He had blue eyes.

"Well, Mrs. Pink is busy helping out the others, so she asked me to teach you for awhile!" Patton announced happily, grinning.

"Um... okay..." Logan responed, wondering if her teaching methods were legal.

Patton walked behind Logan and took his hands, gently placing them on Logan's hips. "The most important thing is posture. Legs together, knees slightly bent," Patton instructed.


Each and every day, Logan returned to the studio.

Each and every day, he watched Patton dance for a few minutes.

Each and every day, Patton would run over and scoop Logan into a hug.

Each and every day, Patton would teach Logan something new. First, "toe taps". Then, "Ball Heels". Next, "Ball Changes" and "Step Ball Changes". Soon, Logan was performing "Shuffles" and "Heel Steps" with ease.

And each and every day, Logan noticed something new about Patton.

His blue eyes were the color of a summer day's sky.

His hair was the gentle tone of cocoa powder.

He had a sharp nose and high cheekbones.

His freckles danced across his nose and cheeks.

His smile was so wide it could have spanned the Mississippi.

His lips were the color of the petals of a spring rose.

Only one word could describe Patton. And even that one word wasn't enough. To Logan, Patton was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.


It had been a year since Logan had started his lessons. And everyday he had fallen deeper and deeper into love with Patton. But it took something impulsive to make Logan realize it.


One day, Patton was standing in front of Logan, teaching him a more complicated step. He looked at Logan's face, his eyes darting to the other boys lips for a split second. Patton glanced at Logan.

And, then, Patton kissed Logan. Logan's eyes flew open in surprise before fluttering shut. He sank into the kiss, returning it.

The other students stopped to stare and smiled. It was not long before they started clapping.

Slowly, Patton ended the kiss and stared at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I should have asked you if it was okay first," Patton said softly, wringing his hands.

Logan looked horrified at the other boy's words, and placed a hand on Patton's shoulder.

"Patton... no... don't be sorry. I liked it. I like you... I..." Realization flooded into Logan. His eyes widened gently. Logan looked up at the other boy and moved his face so that their eyes met.

"Patton? I... I think I...I am in love with you," Logan stammered.

Immediately, Patton's eyes filled with joy. "You do! Really? Truly?"

"Yes, Patton, I do. And I understand completely if..." Logan began. Patton shut him up with another kiss; this one just as deep as before.


"First, I want to say how sorry I am for not posting for awhile. Honestly, my motivation was there, but my energy was spent. My past few days have been... rough. I plan to be a bit more regular with my stories. That said, this was so much fun to write! I loved it so much! *squees* Thank you for the idea, Pattoncake! And, yes, I did research on tap dancing before writing this. I even tried a few of the moves. It's just as hard as it looks. As always, smiles!"


Question of the update:
What are your hobbies?

I like to draw, read, teach myself new things, and write.

Media Link: https://pin.it/ykv5325rwp6ywl

Originally Published: 6/18/2018
Edited: 7/13/2018

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