2) Strange Dark Love

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Idea by: QTDerp4 on Amino

Patton sat in his room reading a book Logan had suggested. Although unsure of it at first, Patton had started enjoying himself.

Patton looked up from the book and squeed. Aah, so cute! Patton stared into space for a moment, replaying the scene over and over in his head.

Patton paused listening. Sobbing. Patton bookmarked his page and stood up, listening carefully for the sound's source.

Walking into the hall, Patton looked around confused. The sound felt like it was coming from Virgil's room.

Patton tip-toed to his strange dark son's door and knocked softly. Almost immediately the crying stopped.

"Go away," came a muffled voice from behind the door.

"Oh, no, I will not go away. Not when my son needs me," Patton said, opening the door.

"PATTON!" Virgil shouted. He wasn't wearing a shirt. Patton stared in disbelief at Virgil's muscles and tried hard not to swoon.

"Oh... sorry..." Patton turned around while Virgil put his shirt and hoodie on.

"Okay, what do you need, Pat?" Virgil asked defensively.

Patton turned back around, trying not to look disappointed. "I.. um... heard you sobbing..." Patton looked down and played with his hands.

"Look, it was nothing, okay?" Virgil said.

"I... uh... PLEASE TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF!" Patton cried. Immediately he slapped a hand over his mouth, looking horrified by his words. Virgil looked shocked.

Patton turned away and ran back to his room, tears starting to form. He slammed the door shut and locked it. "I'm an idiot..." He groaned.

Meanwhile, Virgil just sat there mouth open. After a few minutes, he closed his mouth. He had felt something for Patton the first time they met. Did Patton feel it, too?

Slowly, a plan formed in his head.


Two hours later, Patton's bedroom door swung open. Virgil marched into the room with a scowl on his face, and shoved Patton against the wall.

Patton couldn't believe it. He hated having made Virgil angry.

Virgil stared into Patton's eyes for a minute before glancing at his lips. Patton was too upset to notice. Virgil looked at Patton once more before kissing him deeply.

Patton felt on top of the world. His dream come true. He kissed Virgil back.

At that moment, Logan came into Patton's room. He took one look at the pair and rushed to find Roman. Roman and Logan came back to the room, and Roman took a few photos.

Patton opened his eyes to see the others standing there. He quit kissing Virgil for a second. A disappointed Virgil turned around, and groaned.

"Finally, you two have admitted your feelings for each other," Roman said, clapping his hands softly and bouncing.

"Normally, I find feelings disturbing. But this, this is truly beautiful," Logan said before leaving.

"Well, I do love my strange dark love," Patton admitted.

"Oh, shut up," Virgil quipped before pulling Patton into another kiss.

It was just like Patton's story.



"Well, that was fun to write. And a lot easier than the last time. So cute! Thanks for the ideas QTDerp4 I love them all! (Sorry this wasn't angst...) Smiles!"


Question of the update:
Favorite color? Mine is midnight blue.

Media Link: https://pin.it/x3s66zyajkso7xp

Originally Published: 6/14/2018
Edited: 7/13/18

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