22) Keeping My Head Down

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High School AU requested by: Virgil on Amino (http://aminoapps.com/p/yj1e25)



*Virgil's POV*

I walked into my new school, being sure to keep my head down. I didn't want anyone to pick on me for my weird, dark appearence. I cringed at the memories flooding into my head.


"Hey! Dark Lord! Why don't you just do is a favor and leave already? No one wants you here!" His voices pounds into my head. Normally I would throw a witty remark back in his direction, but it looks like he finally broke me. I said nothing, keeping my head down. As the last bell of the day rang, I raced out of the school and down the sidewalk to my house.

I pounded up the stairs to my bedroom and shut the door. They were right! They were all right! I gripped the edge of my desk as I ran the blade over my wrist, again and again. The pain was so liberating. Blood streamed down my arms in waves, pulsing, shimmering. I became very dizzy and crashed to floor.

----End Flashback----

I rubbed my wrists gently; the scars were all still there. I've been told that I was lucky to have been found by my parents. I may have died. Not that I care. We had moved away quickly to avoid future problems. We couldn't get him expelled; his dad had to much of a pull with the school. So, we moved here.

I had been going to this school for about a week. I had made two friends, Logan and Patton. Logan was an analytical nerd with a lot of compassion. Patton was so friendly, nice and energetic. He also has the biggest heart I've ever seen. My life was good.

"Hey! Surly Temple! Get over here!" I flinch, but turn towards the voice. It belongs to a kid who is popularly known as Deceit. I don't know his first name.

"Yes?" My voice waivers. He grins a crooked grin. He jerks head to indicate that I would be following him. I know I shouldn't but I don't have a choice. I follow him down the hall into an empty corridor. He stops, turns, and glares at me.

"You will not scream. Scream and I will hurt your friends, too. Fight back, and I will hurt them while forcing you to watch." Deceit threatened. I gulped. He stepped forward and knocked my books to the floor. He ripped out my earbuds and threw them to the floor. He looked me right in the eye and punched me in the stomach.

I doubled over in pain. He threw another punch that connected with my temple. I stifled a screadm and fell to the floor. He kicked me hard. I curled into a ball, using my hands to protect my head. He continues the abuse. Tears are streaming down my face; it takes all my strength not to cry out. He means what he says. If I do, he will hurt Patton and Logan. I could not let that happen.

"Hey!" A voice shouts down the hall. It's too young to be a teacher, so I fear the worst. It could be another student coming to assist Deceit in my torture. "What are you doing to him?"

"You will go away and tell no one what you saw if you know what's good for you," Deceit hissed. The boy kept coming.

"I asked. What are you doing to him?" The boy asked again.

"What he deserves," Deceit answered, "And what will happen to you if you don't leave." Out of nowhere, the kid punched Deceit in the jaw hard. Deceit staggered back and hissed.

"You are going to pay for this!" Deceit ran off. The kid crouched down next to me.

"Are you okay, Virgil?" His voice was filled with concern. I could only groan. He helped me up and stacked my books for me. "Do you need the nurse?" I shook my head. My voice began to work again.

"You shouldn't have helped me," I whispered hoarsely. He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"He means what he says. He's going to make you pay for helping me," I respond, avoiding his eyes.

"I don't care," he said. He was trying to meet my eyes. I finally meet his eyes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Why, though?" I asked.

"Why what?"

"Why did you help me?"

"Oh, I noticed you following him looking scared. When you didn't come to class, I asked to be excused and came looking for you," he responded.

"You noticed I was missing?"

"Of course, Virgil. I care about you."


"Why do I care? I guess it's because I have a bit of a crush on you," he confessed. I was shocked. What did he see in me?

"Right... well, I should be going," I said skeptically. He looked dejected.


It had been a week since the incident and every time I saw the boy, Roman I later learned, I avoided looking at him. Today was no different. As I passed him, I kept my head down and eyes on the floor. I left the building and started walking home. There was no one around.

Suddenly, a bag was shoved over my head and I was being dragged away. I didn't scream, I couldn't. The bag was shoved inside my mouth.


It must have been an hour later when my captor removed the bag. Not suprisingly, it was Deceit. I had been bound to a chair a few moments ago, so I didn't bother struggling. It was almost all dark. Only a single bulb let me see Deceit.

"Hello, Virgil," he hissed, waving his fingers at me. I just kept looking down. "It looks like I have found a way to get back at that Roman kid. Oddly, you seem to be the perfect tool for that." He rubbed his hands together. I looked at him, glaring daggers. I wasn't gagged, but I wasn't risking talking. The lights in the room flickered on. Behind Deceit, Roman sat bound and gagged, staring at me. "Two birds, one stone. How perfect?" He flicked out a switch blade and stepped over to me. Roman's eyes widened.

Each cut stung, blood dripped all over me. It was hot, it hurt. "You can scream, Virgil," Deceit whispered in my ear. So, I did.


Deceit was laying unconscious on the floor. Roman had somehow broken free of his bonds and knocked him out cold. He called the police, then came rushing over to me. He brushed back my bangs, and began untying my knots. When the last knot came loose, I fell forwards onto to him. He stroked my hair, muttering that it was going to be okay and that he loved me. I passed out from pain a few minutes later.


I woke up in a hospital room. Gasping, I sat up. Roman was sitting next to my bed. "Virgil?!" Roman gasped. He leaned over me. "Are you okay? Do you need a nurse? Are you in pain?" He stammered. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you, Roman. I know that now." I whispered. He smiled and kissed me again.


It's been a month since then, and Roman has been with me everday. We graduated soon. I love Roman, and Roman loves me. My life couldn't be better. And, hey, I'm not keeping my head down anymore.



"So, this was a longer one. I do not apologize for that. This also got a bit out of hand, but I love it. Do not hurt people. I will physically fight you if you do. Smiles!"


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