9) Deciet's Game Pt.2

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Virgil woke up, rubbing his eyes. He blinked rapidly. The room was very bright.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Virgil asked, his voice echoing.

"Hello, Virgil! Glad to see you awake... We will begin very soon..." a disembodied voice hissed. Virgil recognized the voice immediately.

"Deceit!" Virgil shouted angrily, "What is this? Where am I? What do you want?"

"One question at a time, darling," Deceit's voice rang throughout the room, "This is a punishment. You never belonged with the "Light Sides". I'm going to make sure they never want to see you again.

"As for where you are... You are in a room"

"No duh," Virgil muttered sarcastically.

"Shut up. This room designed specifically designed to... well... you'll see soon enough.

"To answer the last question, I want you. I want you to come back. I want you to never be able to leave again.

"No more questions. Now, we begin."

Virgil opened his mouth to ask what exactly was beginning when the wall behind him slid open. Whirling around, he gazed through a large floor to ceiling window.

And right into Roman's eyes. Roman stared right back shocked.


"Roman! Look this is all Deceit! I'm trying to get you out fast! Stay calm!" Virgil shouted at the glass.

"He can't hear you, you know.," Deceit mentioned lazily from wherever he was, "He can just see you. To get him out, simply punch on the code."

"What code?" Virgil asked, staring at the keypad that had appeared before him.

"Mmm... telling you would ruin the fun. Good luck~!" Deceit sang.

Virgil growled and tried a random series.

1 2 3 4

Roman screamed. Virgil looked up in confusion. Roman had stopped screaming, but the pain still shone in his eyes.

Confused, Virgil tried another code.

4 3 2 1

Another scream, this one longer. Virgil grimaced. He realized now that every wrong guess hurt Roman in some way. Again.

5 6 7 8 Scream.

8 7 6 5 Scream.

1 0 1 0 Scream.

Virgil buried his head in his hands. This wasn't working. He couldn't just keep guessing. He couldn't keep hurting his friend.

Suddenly, he looked up. His eyes searched the room Roman was in. Items were sporadically placed around the room.

On a shelf, sat two teddy bears. On the opposing wall, hung four gleaming daggers. On the floor at Roman's feet lay one golden crown. Seven wilted flowers in a corner.

Virgil figured that these objects had something to do with the code. But what.

Like tidal wave it hit him. The number of each item corresponded with a number in the code! But... what was the order.

2 4 1 7 Scream.

4 1 7 2 Scream.

1 4 7 2 Nothing. Nothing?

Virgil looked up quickly. Roman was gone, replaced with a banner reading: "1 down, 2 to go."

"Very good, Virgil. You passed. Now onto that fatherly figure you love oh-so-much," Deceit's last words were spit out with glittering venom.




Nice. An even 500 words, not including this author's note. Yes, that was a bit evil, but you can't say I didn't warn you. Until the next chapter, Smiles!"


Question of the Update:

What is your sanders' sides OTP?

Mine's Analogical.

Originally Published: 6/28/2018

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