28) Parkly Ever After

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Idea by: All Hail Prince on Amino (http://aminoapps.com/p/0nwkmb)

*Virgil's POV*

I love going to the park. It's so relaxing. The quiet chirping of the birds... I've coming here everyday for a week now. It's so peaceful... A loud voice rips me from my peaceful thoughts.

"Hiya!" I open my eyes to look at the voices owner. It's a boy about my age, with brown hair and sky blue eyes.

"Hi..." I said tentatively.

"My name is Patton! What's yours?" He asked eagerly.

"Virgil." I replied. Patton sat down next to me. I was surprised to find that I didn't mind. I usually didn't like being this close to people.

"So... What do you like doing?"


I got to the park early today. Today was the day I was going to tell Patton that I was in love with him. I eagerly waited for Patton to arrive. I had been planning this for a month. "Virgil!" Patton yelled happily from behind me. I turned around excitedly. My face fell when I saw him dragging two boys behind him. I waved slightly.

"Hi, Pat. Who are these two?" I asked softly.

"This is Roman," he said, gesturing to a rather handsome boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes. He was clearly a jock of some sort. "He's one of my school friends. Roman, this is Virgil!" Roman nodded at Virgil, and Virgil repeated the gesture. Patton was so excited. "And this is Logan," Patton started. He gestured at the nerdy boy next to him. "He's my boyfriend." I guess Logan said something along the lines of Hello. But I didn't hear him. Did Patton just say boyfriend?

"B-boyfriend?" I stammered. Patton nodded. I swallowed. This could not be happening. But... it was. So I acted like nothing had happened. We hung out together at the park a lot, and ended up good friends.


*Roman's POV*

Despite only knowing Virgil for 2 months, I must admit I have fallen head over heels in love with him. I adore the way his raven hair falls over his gray eyes. His laugh is so beautiful.

I hurried to the park, eager to get there before Patton and Logan. I knew Virgil would already be there. "Hey, Virgil!" I shouted when I saw him.

"'Sup, Princey." He replied.

"I... uh... have something to tell you..."

"What is it, Roman? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?"

"No... I... IloveyouVirgil," I said quickly. I avoided looking at his face. After a few minutes of silence, I became confused. I looked up to see him staring off into space. He was shaking slightly. "Virgil?" I asked, concern coloring my voice. He shuddered and collapsed to the ground, shaking and whimpering. My eyes  widened. "VIRGIL!"

"What's going on?" Patton asked hurriedly.

"It looks like an anxiety attack. We need to calm him down!" Logan stated, none to calmly. I knelt in the grass and pulled Virgil close to me.

"Shh... It's okay..." I whispered, rocking him gently. Logan coached his breathing and Patton rubbed circles on his back. Slowly, Virgil stopped panicking and relaxed. "Are you okay, Virge?"

He looked at me and nodded. "I'm sorry, Ro. I just never thought I'd hear 'I love you' said to me by my crush," he said hoarsely. The words clicked in my brain.

"You... feel the same way?"

"Yeah, Ro, I do," he said, lifting his head to mine. He kissed me and I kissed him back. We all lived parkly ever after.



"Sorry this is so short! I hope this is enough fluff... after last time... Smiles!"


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