19) Teddy Bears

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Requested by: randomfandom559

I practically dragged myself into my room tonight. It had been such a long day. Film a video, brainstorm ideas, and write another script. Thomas had kept me busy today.

"Hey, Princey, cut the dramatics, will ya?" Virgil scrawled from above me. I glared up at him from my spot on the ground.

"How about no, Panic at the Everywhere," I retorted. He snorted and walked past me to his room. Stepping inside, he shut the door firmly. Rolling my eyes, I dragged myself into my own room. I stood up, shut the door, and changed into my favorite pajamas. I crawled into bed and under the covers.

Soon, I noticed that one of my look-a-like teddy bears, yes I have more than one, was missing. I pushed back the covers. I need that bear. For princely reasons.

I walked out into the hall, and over to Logan's door. I knocked twice. His voice responded from within, "What could you possibly want at this hour, Roman?"

"Do you have my teddy bear?"

"Your what?" The confusion was evident in his voice.

"My teddy bear. It looks like me, but it's a bear," I explained.

"I understand that, Roman. I do not understand why you would think I have it. I find teddy bears pointless endeavors for the brain to hold on to one's childhood."

"I- what? Just forget I asked. Good night, Calculator Watch."

"Good night, Roman." Disappointed I continued down the hall to Patton's door. I had barely gotten one knock off when the door swung open. Patton yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"What is it, kiddo?" Patton asked sleepily.

"Sorry to wake you, Pat, but do you by any chance have my teddy bear?" Patton raised an eyebrow.

"One's missing?" I nodded. "Sorry, Ro, but I don't have it. I would have asked you first."

"It's okay," I whispered, picking the sleepy trait up bridal style. I carried him over to his bed and tucked him in. "Good night, Pat." I left the room quietly. I sighed. I dodn't think Virgil would have the bear. But I must at least ask.

I stumbled down the rest of the hall to Virgil's room. I then knocked. Oddly, there was no response. Virgil ought to be awake. I slowly opened the door, and peered into the room. The thin crack of light showed Virgil sound asleep on his bed.

My heart melted a little. He is so cute when he sleeps. I noticed something sticking out of his arms, my teddy bear. Sighing, I figured I could go one night without the bear. I moved over to him and pulled his comforter over his shoulders. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on his forehead. I smiled again. My voice was barely a whisper as I said, "I love you, Virgil. I wish you sweet dreams." I planted another kiss on his forehead and went to leave.

I felt a tug on my wrist as I went to leave. I looked down to see Virgil holding my wrist. He was smiling. He rolled over and patted the bed next to him. Excitedly, I climbed into bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Love you, too, Roman."

Looks like tonight, I'll be his teddy bear.



"I don't think my heart is okay after this one. It's so cute! Anyway, I hope you all sleep well tonight. Have a good designated time of day! Smiles!"


Question of the Update:

What is your favorite time of day?

I, personally, find so much comfort in the dark. Therefore, my favorite time of day is midnight. Twilight is a close second.

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