21) Insecure Demons Pt.3

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A scream echoed through the mindscape. Only one scream echoed like that, Thomas'. Logan bolted upright, holding his head. Confused, he stood up slowly and attempted to recount the events prior.

He could remember just enough to know that Roman had been fighting something dangerous, they were speaking to him, and then they all fainted. He stopped rubbing his temples and pulled open Roman's door. Stepping inside, he glanced around for the princely trait.

"Hmm..." Logan buzzed, steeping over to a piece of paper laying on the floor. He stooped down to pick it up. It read:

'Dearest Roman,

I know that you will need more power if you want to stop these icky inner demons. Getting that power is easy really. Simply drain the strength out of your friends. Be careful that they do not see you doing so, as you will glow slightly. This may give it away. Feel no I'll when they pass out, for they will be just fine in a few hours. I give you these instructions as a friend. You are the only one who trusts me.


Logan shook his head; Roman really needed to be a little more skeptical. But Logan was also worried. He knew a little about taking strength, and that it never ended well. He found it highly likely that Deceit had taken control over Roman.

Logan shook the other's awake and told them what he had found.

Virgil's eyes widened in genuine concern and pain. "Roman is being CONTROLLED! We need to find him!" He bellowed, gripping his hair in his hands. Patton rushed over to him, wrapping him in a reassuring hug.

"It's okay, kiddo, we'll find him. We'll get him back. I promise," Patton comforted, "Right, Logan?"

Logan looked around the room nervously. Sighing, Logan opened his mouth. "Yes, Patton, I'll get him back."


The sides had been wandering the mind, searching for Deceit and Roman. After a few hours, they had still had no luck. Suddenly, a deep roar sounded behind them. They all whirled around to see a 7 foot tall, glowing, red-eyed Roman. His smile was jagged. A few feet behind him, stood Deceit.

"DECEIT!" Logan shouted.

"Ah, Logan, nice to see you again!" Deceit said smuggly. Logan just glared at the dishonest trait.

"Give us Roman back!" Patton yelled, cowering away from Roman.

"Mm... no," Deceit drawled, looking up. Patton start whimpering. The whole time Virgil just stood there staring a Roman.

"R-Ro?" Virgil stuttered. Roman grinned a jagged smile at the boy.

"Roman! Stop the chit-chat, and end the miserable disorders pathetic life!" Deceit yelled. Virgil's eyes widened in terror. He stepped back slowly.

"R-roman... just..." Virgil began. Roman roared and advanced on Virgil. He seized Virgil and lifted him off the ground by the hood of his hoodie.

"Nooooo!" Patton screamed, rushing towards them. Logan grabbed Patton and restrained him. "Let me go, Logan! I have to save him!" Patton kicked and squirmed.

"No, Patton! I can't let you get hurt, too!" Logan cried. Patton started wailing. Logan held him in a tight hug, comforting him. Patton's wails slowly faded into sobs.

Meanwhile, Roman held Virgil up to look him in the eye. He licked his lips. Virgil's lips were parted in terror and his eyes conveyed the same. Deceit laughed manically.

"You know, Virgil, had you just stayed with us. This never would have happened." Deceit shrugged, "Now Roman! Finish this!" Virgil curled into a tiny ball as Roman opened his mouth.

"Roman! No... please... I... I love you!" Virgil cried, years streaming down his face. Roman paused, tilting his head in confusion.

"Roman!" Deceit yelled. Roman just stared at Virgil. His red eyes searched the whimpering trait for signs of lying. He found none. Roman lowered Virgil to the ground. Virgil remained curled into a ball shivering. Roman, then, turned to Deceit. Deceit kept shouting at Roman, trying to get him to do his bidding. Roman glared down at him before reaching down. Deceit had a horrified expression on his face before he vanished in a puff of smoke.

Roman roared, but this time in pain, as his transformation undid itself. He collapsed onto the ground, gasping. Patton raced over to Roman, followed by Logan.

"Oh my gosh, Roman! Are you alright?" Patton asked. But Roman just shoved Patton aside and rushed over to Virgil, who was still shaking on the ground. Roman lifted the trait into his lap and cradled his head.

"Virgil? I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you! Please talk to me!" Roman pleaded, beginning to cry. He just couldn't live with himself if he had actually hurt Virgil. Virgil said nothing and just whimpered.


It had been a few days since the incident. Both Patton and Logan had forgiven Roman and assured him that it was not his fault.

Virgil had passed out once they had returned back to mindpalace. Roman sat with him holding his hand the whole time. Virgil's eyes fluttered for the first time in a few days. Roman gasped softly. Virgil opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. "Roman?"

"Yes, Virgil?" Roman responded hopefully.

"When I said I loved you, I meant it," Virgil stated. Roman smiled. He didn't hate him. In fact, he loved him. And Roman returned his sentiment.

"I love you, too, Virgil." Roman bent down to kiss Virgil's forehead. Virgil moved his head at the last minute, and Roman's lips connected with his. Roman smiled and kissed deeper. Virgil put his arms around Roman's neck.


Roman explained everything about the demons and their dangers to the others. Although the other's understood that they couldn't help, they still worried about Roman and made him promise to never keep things like this a secret again. Roman agreed and they all lived happily ever after.



"The stunning conclusion to the awesome prompt by my friend, Awesomeninja3 on Amino. It was so much fun to write. I hope you enjoyed this story! Lots of love and smiles!"


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