255. Game

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I was...rather nervous once the lively music started playing as the segment seemingly naturally transitioned into the game portion. As I stood there behind the table, facing the red button on the surface of the table before me as well as the white board and marker, my palms became wet with set. My heart palpitated in my chest, and looking to my right, I saw Henvle standing there with a confident smile on his face. He is a professional after all, so he must not be feeling many changes in mentality right now. But for me, it was a different situation.

"Alright," the host began after taking a quick glance at the tablet in his hands. "So the staff brainstormed up some questions, so...let us begin with something easy. What is Irina's favorite nighttime snack?"

Nighttime snack? 

I hesitated as my hand hovered over the button. I have absolutely no idea as to what it could be. I've never been around her at night, so how the hell would I know what her favorite nighttime snack is?

Just as I was still struggling to come up with a reasonable guess, Henvle pressed the button before him and the LED lights around his table flashed.

"Alright," the host looked over at the young man. "You're up."

"I'm going to say...cream puffs." On Henvle's face, there was a look that lacked confidence.

"Irina?" the host looked over at Irina, who nodded in response. "Cream puffs are the right answer. One point for Henvle."

From the audience, there were sounds of cheering from Henvle's female fans, and aside from them, there were also sounds of clapping.

"Now," the host continued. "I suppose that question isn't so fair for Alevian here, because Henvle and Irina have worked together on many films and shows. So, it's only reasonable for Henvle to have seen Irina having a nighttime snack. Alevian, step it up. Here's the next question. When is Irina's birthday?"


I froze as my brain went blank. I...I've never asked her, and she's never told me...

Next to me, Henvle pressed the button. This time, on his face was a look of great confidence.

"February fourteenth, Valentines Day."

"That is correct," the host nodded. "Come on, Alevian," the host said as he made an encouraging gesture. "These are easy questions."

February fourteenth...it's passed already. I...I didn't even celebrate it for her. I didn't even get her anything, even though she got me something for my birthday...

A bitter expression appeared on my face as I looked over at Irina. She appeared to be concealing a concerned frown as she looked at me with her soft and gentle gaze, but out of guilt, I quickly looked away. Next to her, Muria had her arms crossed, and there was a look of slight disappointment on her face. However, judging off of the fact that she was sitting closer to the edge of her seat while leaning forward, I could tell that she must be also...quite nervous for me. 

"Don't be so distraught, Alevian," the host continued with a smile. "Next question, when did Irina first started acting?"

Once again, it was a question that I do not know the answer to. Out of defeat, I shook my head and lowered it. I set the microphone on the tabletop and away from me as I let out a sigh while leaning on the table and supporting myself up with my hands.

The sound of a button being pressed was nonexistent, and when I glanced over to my right, I saw Henvle simply standing in place with the proper posture while looking in my direction. It appears that he was going to let me answer a question and did not press the despite the fact that he knows the answer. I respect him for his consideration, but I am also offended by it.

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