Chapter 8

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"I cant believe you had to stop here of all places." I mumbled as we drove in to East Allegheny
"You wont see your family dont worry." Luca said grabbing my hand
"My family is not of my concern. Its everyone else in this god forsaken town." I groaned seeing the Pizza Hut I met Austin in
"You are a really cute townie though." Paul said as I rolled my eyes
"Lets get in and out please. I dont want anyone to notice me." I said as Paul pulled over at Sallys diner
"We need to eat babe. It is breakfast time." Luca said as he had to drag me out of the car as I pulled his hood over my head
"I would have been fine eating on the plane." I mumbled as we went in
"Cute place." Paul said as we got inside
"Sit down anywhere you would like yall." Sally who surprisingly still owns the diner

"Whats good?" Paul asked as they scanned the menu
"The french toast has always been my favorite." I said knowing exactly what I wanted
"What can I get you three to drink?" She asked as we all said coffee
"You ready to order?" She asked as they said yes for me and ordered a basic omelet each
"And you darling?" She asked me as I kept my focus on my hands not looking up
"Can I please get the french toast, side of sausage links and strawberries and whip cream on the side..." I started to say before she cut me off
"Strawberries cut up not touching the whip cream. I knew that was you Carrie Jareau." She said as I gave a small smile and took my hood off looking at her
"You look just like JJ." She smiled
"Thanks Sally." I said
"Who are these two?" She asked looking between Paul and Luca
"This is my husband Luca and this is his business partner Paul." I said as the shook hands and got aquatinted
"You will never guess who started working here last month." She said before running off to the back
"This was a huge mistake stopping here." I said as they both were enjoying this
"I am a mafia women now. I dont belong eating in this kindof place now." I said quietly in Italian
"Chill." Luca said kissing my hand trying to relax me
"Its Austins little sister Brittney. You remember each other right?" She asked as I paled
"Babe. Im not feeling good." I lied as he caught on
"Go sit in the car. I will wait for our food." He said as I left giving Sally a small smile
"Tom called your mom as well. Shes expecting you to stop by." She yelled after me as I walked out
"Fuck." I whispered as Paul now rushed me to the car

"I am so sorry. I thought this would be an in and out stop without being noticed." Luca said getting into the car
"No. Everyone knows who I am. This is a small town Luca. Not like Italy or New York where its rare to run into the same person twice." I yelled as we drove towards the cemetery

"We are not stopping by her house." I demanded as I guided them to Roz's grave
"How do you know where he is buried?" Paul asked ignoring my demand
"Cause it's by my sister." I said knowing they bought three plots together
"Your sister?" Paul asked
"Did you not clue him in?" I asked turning around to face them as my eyes filled up
"No. Not about that part. Only Momma, father and Kat know. Its personal so I wanted to respect it." He said looking sorry as I turned around and kept going
"She killed herself when I was five. JJ was eleven or twelve I think. My parents bought three plots. And I guess its filling up fast now." I said as I stopped in front of them
"Im sorry." Paul said as they stood behind me
I looked at my dads grave. The grass finally grew back in and fresh flowers were in both of their vases
"Someone was recently here." Luca said being on alert
"Calm your shit. It was probably JJ, my mom or my brother." I said not looking at him
"Hey!" A mans voice yelled making me jump and the guys putting a hand on their gun that was behind you back
"You are not suppose to be here. He said that was part of the deal." The voice said as Luca mumbled incoherent words in Italian
"I just wanted to see my dads grave Austin. I will be gone in like an hour." I said going back to focus on his head stone
"No. Your mafia boyfriend..." He said before getting cut off by Luca
"Husband." He said as Austin laughed
"Husband. You married this guy. He paid me off to leave you alone. Tied me to a chair and threatened to beat every inch of life out of me." He said as I shrugged
"He never hurt me so it doesnt matter." I said trying to keep the tears in
"That was one time." He said upset
"No Austin it was not one time. You beat me several times and almost raped me that night I met Luca. Think what you want about him but he would never hurt me like you hurt me." I said mumbling lets go in Italian
"Go visit your mother." He yelled as we walked away
"Go fuck yourself." I yelled back

"Can we please go to Bora Bora now?" I asked getting into the car
"I think we have to visit your mom. Everyone has told her you were back in town. I bet shes expecting you at this point." Luca said as I groaned
"Fine." I said as we started driving towards my childhood home

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