Chapter 35

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"We eloped last night." Kat said said fast
"You found getting eloped more important than keeping a promise to me?" I asked surprised
"We were meant to get engaged the night you had Dante." She said back harshly
"Oh so now its my fault." I said full of rage
"Babe." Marco said to Kat holding her hand
"Ya it is your fault. All this shit is your fault. If I didnt take you out to the club that one night you wouldnt have met Luca and he would have someone worthy enough to be the head of the mafia with him." She yelled
"So I shouldnt have gone with you after you begged me to go?" I asked stepping closer
"Ya you shouldnt. You should have stayed in your little farm bubble and you wouldnt have cause my family so much heartbreak." She said stepping closer
"I caused your family heartbreak?" I asked as we were now a foot apart
"Yes. You took my brother away from all of us. Spending our family money on useless things." She said with a sarcastic laugh
"You had me meet him. Of all people you are the reason why we are together. I had the biggest problem when it came to spending money. If you havent realized when we go shopping I dont spend a quarter as much as you do. And when I do spend money its all for Luca." I yelled
"You should have stayed in your honkey tonk little no name town with your abusive boyfriend." She said as tears filled my eyes
"Thats honestly what you think about me?" I asked as she took a deep breath without answering as regret flashed in her eyes
"I got it. Im sorry I caused this family so much heartbreak apparently." I said looking at everyone before continuing
"I get it now. Im some sad little project that fell in love with Luca." I said taking off my ring and looking at it
"Luca dont worry. I will sign off on the divorce papers when you get them all written up and will give you full custody of Dante. I love you." I said kissing his cheek and putting my ring in his hand
"Your not going anywhere." He said now holding my hand
"Yes I am. Im going to go back home with my mom to my dumb little town and work at the bar there. I dont want any money from you. We never signed a prenup but I dont need anything." I said removing my hand and bumping Kats shoulder while I walked out humiliated

"Wait!" Angelo yelled after me as I got in the elevator
"Angelo its too late. Kat made it sure to tell me how you all feel about me." I sighed as he got in and we went down to the lobby before stopping the elevator
"She said what she needed to say." He laughed
"We love you. We dont think you did anything wrong. We know you are not in it for the money or that you spend to much. You actually dont spend anything compared to her. Luca is the big spender between the two of you." He said as I looked down at my feet wiping tears every once and a while
"Dont leave Luca please. He will be the one heartbroken if you do. He loves you way too much. You changed him for the better and I would be scared to see who he would be without you. Your son needs his mother. He needs you to show him how beautiful this world is and how to be humble and kind. Kat will get a talking to and Im pretty sure Luca will beat the hell out of Marco for leaving Dante alone." He laughed as I smiled
"Lets go back up to Dantes room. Gemma is yelling at Kat right now and should be done." He said with a smile as we went back up and to Dantes room

"I thought I lost you forever." Luca said with red eyes pulling me into a big hug
"Its not that easy." I sniffled
"Dont ever do that again." He said pulling away and putting my ring back on my left ring finger as I nodded
"You can leave. We dont need your help anymore." I told Kat and Marco coldly as Marco tried to leave having to pull Kat to leave with him
"Im sorry." I said walking over and giving Momma a hug
"Its all fine. You wont be seeing Kat for a while though." She said as I just shrugged
"I have Dante!" Dr. Robbins said cheerfully walking into the room with him in a crib
"Are we able to hold him?" I asked as Luca put his finger in for him to hold
"Yes. Its like the same as last time but he just has his tube back in." She said as Luca unbuttoned his shirt to hold him
"Ok magic Mike calm down." I laughed as he sat down waiting for Dante
"We are going to go talk more with Kat and Marco. Do you want me to send your mom and sister in?" Angelo asked and I nodded yes
"Hey he is back." JJ said quietly walking in
"Ya. Has the tube back in but is doing better. This probably added and extra week or two to him being in here." I sighed
"He is so small." My mom whispered getting close to him on Lucas chest
"No. Its me. I make everything look smaller." Luca joked making us all laugh
"Kat ran out of here like a bat out of hell." My mom said as I nodded
"She betrayed my trust as a friend. I dont think our relationship will ever be fixed." I sighed wanting to drop the topic
"Im planning on making dinner tonight for us. Do you want your favorite?" She asked and I nodded
"Whats your favorite?" Luca asked
"Her chili. Its amazing. I always make it a frito pie." I smiled as he looked confused
"Luca have you never had a frito pie?" JJ asked confused
"I dont even know what it is." He laughed making us all laugh
"You are in a for a surprise tonight babe." I laughed making he smile

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