Chapter 34

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"Luca you need to calm down." Momma said as he paced and I found comfort in my moms arms
"Like hell I do. My sister and best friend werent here doing what they needed to be doing. They are his fucking god parents." He said as I sniffled
"When will he be back?" He asked JJ
"Soon. They took him like five minutes before Carrie walked in." She said holding my hand
"Luca Carrie your here. Sandy must have called." Dr. Robbins said coming in with no Dante
"Wheres Dante?" I asked as my voice cracked from crying
"He is getting his breathing tube put back in and we are trying to drain his lungs." She said as I saw Luca walk out slamming the door
"Ok. Thank you." I said standing up
"Can you four please stay here with him? Please. Im going to go check on him." I said and they all nodded getting comfortable

"Luca?" I asked seeing him on the roof over looking the city
"Babe." I said wrapping my arms around his waist as I leaned my head against his back
"Im sorry Carrie." He said quietly and bringing my hand to his lips for a soft kiss
"You didnt do anything." I whispered as he turned around
"I brought you into this life." He said looking down at our hands mainly my ring
"The only thing I know is that I fell in love with you and now we have a son to prove our love. He wasnt made out of hate." I laughed as I brought my hand to his face
"You should have graduated with your friends, moved to who knows where for work, and met some one who is stable and can provide you with a safe life. Safer then what I can give you." He sighed pulling away and leaning back on the wall
"Luca do you wanna know how I feel?" I asked knowing we dont share to much of our thoughts from the past
"I know how you feel." He laughed
"No. Do you remember our first big fight when we first got married?" I asked as he chuckled nodding before the memory came back

What the hell? I thought putting my curling iron down.
"I have a gun." I yelled getting one out of Lucas drawer
"Bello its me." He slurred as I put it away
"Are you drunk?" I asked
"No." He stumbled getting closer to me
"Luca your drunk and its almost six at night. We had a date planned for tonight." I sighed knowing it was not canceled
"We can still go." He slurred barely able to keep his eyes opened
"No you are going to sleep it off." I said undoing his tie
"I can undress myself damnit." He said angrily pushing me away
"Fine. If you are such a big boy you can go sleep in a guest room for all I care." I said before turning around to go back to the bathroom
"Why are you getting ready? Tonight has been canceled." He said walking into the bathroom making me set my curling iron down once again
"Maybe for us but I worked too hard to look this good. I will take Kat out for drinks." I said turning around to face him
"Like hell you are. You are mine. You belong to me Carrie DeRosa." He said backing me up to the counter
"All we have is a last name and rings on our fingers." I said holding up my left hand
"This is the mafia baby. The men own women. I own you." He said putting his hands on the counter caging me in
"I dont belong to anyone." I stuttered
"Once we kissed and said I do you became mine." He said into my neck
"Luca stop." I said trying to push him away from me
"Oh no. I will show you." He said kissing my neck making me scared
"Luca." I pleaded trying to find something
"Bello I own you." He said before I got a hold of the curling iron the wrong way burning my
hand yelling out in pain
"Carrie?" He asked confused pulling away
"Stay away Luca. Sober up." I said fighting back tears of pain
"I will be back later." I said pulling my hair into a messy bun and leaving

"Where were you?" A worried Luca asked as I walked in to our room
"Momma took me to the ER. I burned my hand pretty bad." I said avoiding him
"How? Why?" He asked coming up to me as I flinched
"You were drunk. Saying you owned me and was going to prove it. You had me trapped and I was going to get you to back off with my curling iron and picked up the wrong end." I said sobbing once I finished everything
"I am so sorry. I didnt know it got that bad." He said trying to get closer again
"Luca Im going to go stay with Kat for a while." I sighed going to pack a bag as he stayed silent

"I sent you flowers, cookies and chocolate for a week after that incident." He laughed
"Im still with you arent I?" I asked smiling
"Yes you are." He smiled back
"Im sorry for everything." He said pulling me into a hug
"Its ok Luca. I will always forgive you no matter what." I said finding comfort in his arms
"Dante is getting a tube back in." He sighed
"I know. One step forward two steps back." I sighed
"Just think he will be healthier then any other child. We have the best of the best and he will always have the best of the best." He laughed
"I just want to take him home and honestly I want to have those late nights of him crying and needing to be fed." I laughed as he laughed along
"You are so sexy." He said kissing the top of my head
"Can you believe we have a baby?" I laughed
"I cant. He has your eyes and will be a heart breaker." He laughed
"No he wont. I think I will be like Momma and question the shit out of her. No girl will be good enough for our boy." I laughed
"I want another one." He said
"Not yet please. Lets wait like four years." I laughed as he nodded
"I can already picture him at sixteen." He laughed
"Captain of the baseball team, top of his class, and already found his right hand man to replace Marco." He laughed
"Hockey." I laughed
"Hockey?" He questioned
"Hockey seems like a sport he will be great at." I laughed as he shrugged
"Can we not spoil him too much? I dont want him to be that spoiled rich kid that drives a nice car and has all the latest things. I didnt and I turned out fine." I laughed
"Babe we have to special order your favorite wine from Italy." He laughed
"Well he wont just get what he wants when he ask for it." I said as we looked over the city and he met out a loud laugh
"Oh he will trust me." He laughed
"I dont ask for anything. You just buy me everything." I laughed as he picked up my left hand and inspected my ring
"I should have bought you a bigger one." He sighed
"Luca this one is big enough. Its huge. Probably cost as much as my first car." I laughed
"Your first two cars." He laughed back
"Shut up. Dante is going to be spoiled isnt he?" I asked as he nodded
"Lets go back and see him." He said as we held hand and went back down

"Why are you here?" I asked seeing Kat and Marco
"We can explain." She said as my mom and JJ excused themselves
"It better be good." Luca said as his mafia voice came out

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