Chapter 5

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"Wedding details." My mom demanded as Helen brought us all coffee

Three Years Ago
"Babe I just want a small like courthouse wedding." I said as I flipped through a wedding book
"Bello this is an Italian family we are talking about. We dont do small." He said with a big smile
"How about this. We have a wedding here in New York in a court house and we go to Italy again for a real wedding." I suggested
"That sounds perfect for me." He said kissing my temple
"Ok when I said give my brother a chance. I didnt mean marry him." Kat laughed coming into Lucas office
"You have your own apartment. Use it." Luca demanded as she shrugged and sat next to me

"Why?" My mom asked
"I told you Luca did it all to protect me from Austin. I did it to get away from him." I said standing up and pacing
"The team told me he is in the mafia. Is that true?" She asked
"No mom. Hes not. He is an important business man in New York." I sighed
"Ok." She said content with that answer
"I need to get back to JJ." She said gathering her things as we walked her out
"Visit your dads grave will you." She said getting in her rental car in driving away

"Fuck." I said once the door was closed
"Calm down." He said as I gave him a dirty look
"Momma made lunch." He said making me happier knowing how much I love when she cooks
"Did you let anything slip?" She asked as I sat down
"No Momma. Luca was there the whole time." I said smiling as carbonara was set in front of me
"She did ask and she stuck with the same answer she always says." He said defending me
"This family cant go down because of your family. We worked hard for it." She said using her stern voice
"Momma enough." Luca said making her stop

"I should go see her." I said as me and Kat walked into Gucci
"Why? You worked hard to get rid of that life. Now look at you about to be second in command of the mafia." She said in Italian getting a dirty look from me
"Paul make her stop bothering me and to be my best friend who gossips with me again." I said looking at Paul who was standing by the door
"Sorry Mrs. Derosa no can do." He laughed
"I told you to call me Carrie." I said rolling my eyes as I looked at ties for Luca
"We are in public." He said in Italian winking
"My favorite Derosas." Elle the store manager said coming over to us
"Elle." We both smiled giving her a hug
"Can I get this suit in Lucas size please?" I asked her as she nodded yes and pulled it all together taking it behind the counter
"Sir you cant come in here." Paul said stopping someone
"Im her brother in law." I heard the southern voice say
"Paul its ok." I said seeing it was Will with two boys in tow
"Wow you now live a life of the rich." He said chuckling before telling Henry not to touch anything
"I married well." I shrugged looking at him
"Visit your sister." He said harshly as Paul reacted behind him as Kat told him to knock it off in Italian
"This isnt you. You were a cute farm girl that was always scared of a big city now you think you own it." He said readjusting the small child in his arms as I thought little does he know we could
"Who is this?" I asked pushing his blonde hair back
"Your other nephew Micheal." He smiled
"I mean it." He said leaving us back to shop
"Who was that?" She asked still processing what happened
"My sisters husband and kids." I said sighing
"And you let him talk to you like that?" Pauls asked
"Hes family. Or I thought he was." I said going to pay for Lucas suit and my belt

"You need these." She said holding up a pair of Louboutin heals
"I have four pairs." I laughed shaking my head no
"One more pair wont hurt you." She laughed getting my size
"Why are you like this?" I asked as she shrugged
"I need jeans. Mine are starting to get tight for some reason." I said sighing as walking over to that side of the store
"Jeans are getting tight?" She asked running after me
"You are already a size three. Skinny ass." She laughed making me smile
"Its Mommas cooking I swear." I laughed looking through the jeans
"Are you sure your not?" She asked
"No. Im on the pill stupid." I said laughing
"Luca knows right?" She asked
"Yes he knows. He has been my husband for three years." I rolled my eyes getting a few pairs
"I still cant believe you married my brother." She said as I paid for the shoes and jeans
"You set us up pretty much. You are the one to blame." I laughed as we left
"Alright whatever. I will see you next week for another shopping trip. Bye." She said as we parted ways

"Can you take me to the hospital?" I asked Paul and he nodded yes

"You have to stay in the car or at least on the same floor. I dont want my family questioning anything anymore." I said as he agreed when we parked

"Well look who it is." JJ said as I entered
"JJ." I smiled seeing her cuddled up with her youngest Micheal
"Im surprised you came to visit." My mom said looking up from her phone
"I was out and about." I shrugged sitting in an open chair that was by itself
"She was at Gucci when I saw her while I was walking down the street." Will said
"Wow you now shop at Gucci." My mom whispered under her breath
"I came for JJ. Where I was shopping doesnt matter." I said looking at my phone seeing a message from Luca about dinner tonight
"Henry do you remember your aunt Carrie?" Mom asked as he shrugged and went back to playing on an iPad
"See what happens when you disappear?" My mom said as I stood up
"I came to make sure JJ was fine. Not to be treated like this. I know what I did was wrong but mom you know my reason why it happened. You are free to share with them if you want to. Whatever. Love you all." I said walking out of the room and past Paul to go to the car

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