Chapter 25

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"Well Mr. and Mrs. Derosa there is your baby boy." The doctor said pointing at the screen
"I knew it." Luca whispered
"Now there is an issue here." He said pointing at another part of the screen
"What is it?" I asked worried
"Because you are underweight the baby is under weight. The umbilical can possibly wrap around him." He said as I gripped Lucas hand tighter
"You need to put on your normal weight plus at least fifteen more pounds." He said as we both nodded
"But he is healthy just besides the weight." He said before leaving us alone
"Luca Im sorry." I said looking at him with tears in my eyes
"Bello its fine. I understand. I will start feeding you nonstop and get you everything you crave." He said kissing my forehead
"Can you start with a grilled cheese and peanut butter on the side with pickles?" I asked laughing
"If that is what my son and beautiful wife want than that is what they will get." He said cleaning off my stomach for me
"I dont want any of it touching." I laughed as he helped sit me up
"Your wish is my command." He said helping me off and guiding me to the kitchen

"Your home!" Kat yelled seeing me walk into Mommas restaurant
"I am." I laughed bracing myself for a big hug
"Kat dont hurt her." Luca said stopping her before she could get to me
"I want to hug my best friend." She said pushing out of his grasp and hugging me
"You are really skinny." She said concerned pulling away
"Kat shut up." Momma yelled walking out from the kitchen to greet us
"My favorite daughter." She said hugging me
"You did get really skinny. Lets feed you." She said pulling me over to my favorite table
"Your usual?" She asked and I nodded no
"What do you want?" She asked as Luca held back a laugh
"Butter noodles. With a bottle of ketchup, pickles and peanut butter on the side." I said as I watched her smiling face drop and Kats turn into disgust
"I can do the butter noodles but have to send the new kid out for the rest." She said before kissing my forehead and going to the kitchen
"You dont even like pickles." Kat commented sitting with us
"I know but he does." I laughed seeing Luca smile happily at me
"Its a boy?!" She yelled as we both nodded yes
"Fuck!" She yelled before running to the kitchen
"I guess its bad we are having a boy." I laughed as Luca moved closer and put his hand on my stomach
"I think it is perfect. Next is a beautiful little girl like her mommy." He said as I felt myself blush
"And he will be handsome like his daddy." I said putting my hand over his
"A boy!?" Momma yelled walking back into the dinning room
"Yes momma a boy." He said smiling
"You and me need to talk." She said helping me stand up and go to the private room in the back

"You are way too skinny. Tell me everything." She said sitting me down as my bowl of noodles was set in front of me with everything on the side
"I had to have some form of control so I didnt eat as much. I know it was dangerous but I know he wouldnt hurt me anymore if I became to weak." I said crying
"Hurt you?" She questioned
"Everytime I brought Luca he would tell me he was dead and that I was his. He would hit me or grab my arm and shake me if I didnt comply." I said wiping tears away
"Is the baby healthy?" She asked concerned
"Yes but because I lost so much weight he is small. He has the possibility of having the umbilical cord wrapping around him." I sniffled as she pulled me in and held me
"I will come over every day to make you meals just so you can eat Carrie." She said comforting me
"You dont need too. Luca has been going to a pizza place every night to get me a slice of pizza." I giggled
"Im glad he is taking care of you. He was a mess." She said and I nodded
"We need to go home. Feds are at the house." He said interrupting us as I got up and paused
"Can I take this to go?" I asked knowing Momma refused for people to take their food home
"Yes. Let me get you a box. We will leave the ketchup here for you." She smiled going to get me one
"A to go box? She never does that." Luca laughed as I dipped a pickle in peanut butter and shrugged
"Here." She said giving it to Luca as we left

"Your home." JJ said running up to hug me
"Ya." I said confused
"You are skinnier too." She said pulling back
"I get it ok. Im skinny now drop it. The next time someone mentions my weight I will put a bullet in their foot." I said stomping away and into my house grabbing my pasta from Luca on the way
"Pregnancy hormones." I could hear Luca say to JJ
"Why are you all in my house?" I asked seeing her team there
"We need to talk to you." Rossi said calmly
"Do I need to get my lawyer?" I asked putting my pasta in the microwave
"No you dont need to. We just want to know what happened." Emily said before Rossi could say something as I looked for ketchup
"Here babe." Luca said handing me the one I left out last night
"Nothing happened." I said watching Luca pull the hot bowl out for me
"You went missing for two months." JJ said
"Does it have to do with the Russian and Italian mafias?" Rossi asked pissing me off as I grabbed the gun from Lucas waist pointing it at him
"Hey." Emily yelled as everyone pulled a gun on me
"We are not apart of the mafia."  I said using my free hand to put ketchup on my pasta and mixing it
"Babe please put the gun down." Luca whispered
"No Luca. This shit has gone on long enough. We are not apart of the mafia." I said before taking a bite
"Ok. You are not apart of the mafia then why is Luca carrying a gun?" He asked
"Wouldnt you if your pregnant wife was taken to protect her?" I asked laughing waving the gun around now
"Alright enough fun." Luca said taking the gun from my hand and unloading it
"My crazy ex took me. Happy." I said now going to look for pineapple juice
"Hey guys can you just leave us for a moment. I will catch up with you in DC." JJ said as the nodded and left us alone

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