Chapter 60

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All I heard was gun fire.
"Mrs. DeRosa you are not safe here anymore." One guard said
"No shit. Was the store at least cleared of all civilians?" I asked slipping extra magazines into my jean pockets
"Yes ma'am. Its just your paid security and Rodrigos men." He answered as I nodded
"Carrie open up. I just want to talk." I heard Marias voice
"Bullshit Maria. You are here for something and its not to talk." I yelled back before a few shots were fired at the door
"Nice door you had built. But it wont last Carrie. You are surrounded. Just open up and talk to me." She yelled back
"Go to hell." I yelled back
"Well we both will be there together." She laughed
"What do you want?" I asked
"I think you know. Your husband is playing a little dirty and I dont appreciate it." She said before firing at the door again
"I will talk but only to you. No Rodrigo." I stated as the guard shook his head no
"You havent learned anything from being the second in charge have you?" She asked confusing me
"The women are always in charge." She laughed menacingly
"If I open up the door we will talk right?" I asked
"Depends. I want your guard to be disarmed." She demanded
"Fine." I said tucking the gun in my pants behind my back
"I will even put my hands up as a curtesy." I yelled as the guard gave me a look that could kill before opening the door
"Well you are just a dumb blonde farm girl." She said walking into the safe room with two guys behind her with guns pointed to me
"Look I just want to talk. I have no idea what my husband is doing." I sighed leaving my hands up
"Carrie. Carrie. Carrie do you think I am that dumb?" She asked
"Absolutely not. You played this off well. Getting the guys to pick me up. I almost would have fallen for it but one of the guys slipped and didnt respond to one of my questions I asked in French. Also the tattoos you need to find a new placement for. The wrist or hand is not a good hiding spot. At least in our mafia we hide them out of sight." I laughed as she turned to one of the guys who was in charge of picking me up
"He will be dealt with accordingly." She said turning around and killing him point blank
"Now where were we. Ah yes. Your husband." She smiles
"Will be here soon. It is a long flight from New York." I smiled getting my plan put together
"This conversation will just be with the women in charge. You can go." She said dismissing her last security guard and killing mine
"That was un-needed." I sighed watching the blood pool under him
"I see you have gotten use to death." She smiled
"I have. Can I put my hands down now?" I asked as she nodded
"Your husband is trying to take us down." She said
"I know nothing about that and what he is doing is stupid." I said as she nodded
"I need you for collateral." She said as I finally got why she was here
"Collateral?" I asked putting my hands on my hips
"How am I suppose to trust you?" I asked
"Good faith?" She shrugged as I pulled the hidden gun out and shot her in the shoulder
"Good faith my ass." I said standing over her pointing the gun to her head
"Dont do it." One of her guards said pointing a gun at me
"Do it Carrie. I know its in you. You are the queen of the mafia. I know your husband taught you well." She laughed grabbing her shoulder and leaning into the gun
"Maria I cant." I said removing it before shooting her guard and changing the gun to the one my security had
"Now look here. You did this all wrong." I said going and locking the door before more came up
"You played this too old school. The new generation is starting and we dont tip toe around." I laughed
"You are dead DeRosa. My husband will kill you and your family." She spat out
"But thats where you are completely wrong. Lets sit you up in a chair." I said helping her up and handcuffing her before putting a dressing over the gun shot
"I know what I am doing." She said spitting on my face
"I am just trying to help you Maria. I have a son. You know that. Your spit is nothing compared to what comes out of his body." I laughed
"Your husband is currently being arrested by the FBI's drug unit at the docks." I said as she gasped
"A little tip went to them that there were drugs being smuggled in. And sure enough the bust had to happen on the day your husband was going to be there for the shipment." I shrugged and the door tried to be rammed down
"They do know that door is made to survive a atomic bomb right?" I asked as she just gave me a death glare
"So me being your collateral isnt enough. You are my collateral." I laughed as my phone rang
"Hello." I answered
"Rodrigo is in custody. A team will be there in five minutes. Do you have her?" Angelo asked
"Yes." I said in relief knowing I will be out of here soon.
"So now you are taking on the drug game? I thought that was beneath the Italians." She laughed
"Oh it is. But we wanted your ports for the guns. Its like a double victory for us. Less drugs will he coming into the country and we get more ports to import in more then guns." I laughed sitting on the table
"What else could you possibly bring in?" She asked
"Apparently a lot of things can be brought in and sold on the black market." I shrugged
"You two are too stupid to go into a new trade." She said shaking her head
"I told you already there is a new generation coming in and we dont like tip toeing." I laughed hearing gun fire
"Oh good. It looks like the team is here." I said smiling
"This was fun. We should do it again." I smirked as she rolled her eyes
"And what are you going to do with me?" She asked
"Damnit. I knew I was missing something." I said standing up
"Well Rodrigo should be dead now." I said hearing the door be unlocked
"What do you mean dead? I thought he was being arrested." She asked panicked
"Again new generation. We had a sniper take him out while he was being escorted out." I said unlocking my phone and showing her the video
"You two wont get away with....." she started to say before I brought the gun up and shot her in the head
"Just shut the fuck up." I said as Luca laughed
"Really?" He asked
"She was annoying me." I smiled going up to hug him
"Well you did look bad ass doing it." He sighed as we walked out hand in hand

Well things took a turn. And I know I said it would be done soon... but I dont think it will be. I am back but going to try and update once a week!!

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