Chapter 59

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"Carrie!" Henry yelled seeing me
"Hey buddy." I smiled pulling him into a hug
"Is Luca here? He always brings me a present." He asked excitedly
"No. Its just me. I came for the weekend." I smiled at him
"Aww man." He said walking away as I laughed
"Luca comes to see you a lot huh?" I asked
"Its just for business. He is only here for a day and goes back to New York." She said as I looked at her skeptically
"Its for work. You know why." She said as I smiled
"I didnt think it was that often. There must be something about to happen that he doesnt want me to know about." I said as she looked like she has seen a ghost
"You need to talk to Luca about that. I cant say anything to you." She whispered
"You are on my payroll too JJ. What is going on?" I asked trying not to raise my voice
"Luca wants to over throw Rodrigos family and take control of all ports." She said sighing
"That asshole." I said still confused
"Mommy whats an asshole?" Michael asked walking into the kitchen with Will behind her
"That is what your Uncle Luca is." Will laughed getting a dirty look from JJ
"Its not a nice word so dont repeat it." She said trying to be stern
"Asshole asshole. Luca is an asshole." Michael started singing skipping away
"You created that." JJ laughed
"Sorry." I smiled
"What brings you here little one?" Will asked grabbing a beer
"Just needed to see JJ." I smiled as she nodded
"Any security with you?" He asked sarcastically
"No. I sent Paul home to be with his family." I shrugged
"Well its good to see you for a while. Next time bring Dante." He laughed leaving us alone again
"You and Luca both just like to cuss in front of my kids huh?" She laughed as I shrugged
"Hows mom?" I asked
"Good. She slipped on ice last month." She said as I looked at her confused
"Why didnt you tell me?" I asked
"We didnt think you wanted anything to do with us still. Then you just turn up here because of a miscarriage thinking I could help you. Wake up Carrie. You only find us important when you need us." She yelled as I tried to fight back tears
"I think I over stayed my welcome." I whispered gathering my stuff
"Carrie wait. I didnt mean it like that." She said following me
"No you did and maybe your right. I will try and talk Luca out of you being on payroll so we dont need to be in communication anymore." I said harshly as I opened the front door and walked out ordering an Uber

"I need a flight to Italy." I said at the counter at the airport
"Like today?" She asked confused
"First flight. First class." I said getting my passport and black card out
"Right away." I said putting them on the counter as she started getting to work
"Ok it leaves in an hour." She said giving me everything back as I thanked her and walked away
"Hey bello." Luca said answering
"Im flying to Italy in an hour." I said without saying hi back
"What do you mean you are flying to Italy?" He asked confused
"I need out of the United States. I will see you and Dante there right?" I asked as he sighed
"Yes you will. I will get the plane ready. You are flying first class right?" He asked
"Of course and I bought the seat next to me so I am by myself. Not my first time babe." I laughed getting escorted to the first class area
"We will talk when we land. I love you." He said before hanging up

"Finally." I said getting off the plane to one of the security guards that met me at the gate
"No luggage Mrs. DeRosa?" A new one asked
"Not this time. Im just going to buy new." I said as they fell in step with me
"Whats up with you all surrounding me?" I asked
"New protocol for Italy. Your father in law set it up." One said as I nodded and was guided to the middle SUV
"Are we going to the new house?" I asked the driver
"Sí." He answered making me think how odd it was and picked up my phone and called Luca
"Hey we are like four hours away." He said picking up
"When did your dad put in a new protocol?" I asked in French
"He never put one in place. Were his men not there?" He asked panicked
"I think I know what happening." I said
"Can you take me to the Spanish Steps please? I need to get some clothes." I asked the driver
"Of course." He said as I kept Luca on the phone
"Do you want the stores emptied?" The one in the passenger  seat asked
"No. Not this time. I want it to be a normal day." I said as he nodded
"Here we are Mrs. DeRosa." They said parking on the street
"No guards please. I just want to be alone." I said stopping them from following me
"But..." One started to say
"No. I want to be alone. That is an order." I spit back hoping I was playing along with what they wanted
"Of course." He said as I saw his suit sleeve push up confirming my suspicion when I saw the spider web tattoo
I calmly walked away and down the little alley way to Gucci knowing I was safe there.
"Mrs. DeRosa welcome back. We didnt know you were going to be in Rome this soon." Alejandro the door man said in Italian
"I need you to call my security team now." I whispered back as he nodded
"Your safe room is ready." One of the sales people said guiding me up the elevator
"Rodrigos men have me surrounded. Im in Gucci at the safe room. Alejandro is calling our security team now." I told Luca once I knew I was safe
"Got it. I had guns put into place there." He said as I looked around
"Smart move on making Alejandro be on our payroll." He laughed
"Well if I am spending thousands of dollars here, might as well make it ours." I laughed watching the security feed now
"It looks like Alejandro has more of Gucci security on the floor. All armed." I said knowing I should be in the clear
"Dont be too sure yet. Rodrigos men are not happy with what might be coming." He said as I rolled my eyes
"Ya I know. JJ told me this morning." I said harshly
"We needed more territory. Rodrigo was the only way." He said defending himself
"We will talk about it when you get here. We are a team now remember." I said as he muttered yes and an I love you before hanging up

"Mrs. DeRosa we have action." One of the security guards in the safe room said
"What kind of action?" I asked before looking to the security camera screen
"They know we are hiding you." He said taking the safety of his gun
"Why couldnt I just come here and do nothing like I wanted too? This was meant to be a vacation." O groaned picking up a gun ready for a fight      

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