Chapter 61

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"I dont think I like the theatrics." Luca laughed as I washed my hands in the sink
"It wasnt a theatric. I honestly had no idea what I was doing. Your dad texted me on the flight telling me that Rodrigo was going to get arrested. I thought I was going to be taken." I sighed watching the blood wash off my hands
"New generation?" He laughed
"I was buying time. I dont like being a killer." I sighed drying my hands off
"It was kill or be killed bello. I promise to do better." He said pulling me into him
"Dante?" I asked
"With Momma and Kat at the new safe house." He said as I nodded
"Lets go see him." He smiled as he walked me to the car

"Oh thank god." Momma said running up to me
"What the hell were you thinking just randomly leaving like that?" She asked
"I dont know. JJ pissed me off and I just needed to get away." I sighed as Luca looked at me confused
"I had a miscarriage." I said breaking down crying
"Oh babe." Luca said pulling me into him
"I didnt know what to do so I went to her. The Doctor said it was because of my pills. It was too late when the noticed." I said sobbing before he picked me up and carried me away
"Shhhh its ok. I got you." He said holding me as he sat down on a couch
"A miscarriage Luca. Its not ok. I failed." I said still sobbing into him
"Its not your fault. Its the pills fault. We should maybe just take you off of them." He suggested as I pulled away and looked at him
"No. Im not ready for another baby yet." I said looking at the sadness in his eyes
"But you were for this one." He said confused
"It was an accident baby. I would have been either way. Dante is almost two. And he is a lot. He doesnt stop running or screaming. We cant have another one until he is under control." I laughed making him smile
"That is true. He is living up to his nickname. He found a lighter last night. Thankfully Kat found him before he figured out how to use it." He said as my eyes grew big
"He is going to need 24/7 watch. He is going to be a psychopath." I said shocked
"We are all a little psychopathic in the mafia. You just had your first kill today and you didnt even hesitate." He said as I nodded
"Now a few more and you will be tied with Kat." He laughed
"I just want to relax for a week." I said ignoring that comment
"Whatever you want." He said pulling me in as everyone sat around us

"Dante no." I said watching him run towards the ocean
"I got him." Luca said chasing after him
"How are you?" Momma asked as I shrugged
"As good as I can be. I guess because I didnt know I am not as upset as I could be." I smiled watching Luca catch Dante and carrying him into the water
"You will have another one. I know it." She gave me and encouraging smile
"Thats what scares me." Kat laughed
"Ok Dante is not that bad." I said rolling me eyes
"He got ahold of Lucas razor and shaved Mommas dog." She said laughing
"Ok so we have learned to keep things out of his height range." I laughed as Momma shook her head in disappointment
"Luca told you about the lighter right?" Kat asked as I nodded
"He is a DeRosa alright." Momma smiled as he ran away from Luca towards me
"Mommy!" He yelled before crashing into my arms
"Hi my baby." I said kissing his head as he leaned into me closing his eyes
"Someone is tired." I whispered smiling down at him
"Ya. Me." Luca said getting everyone to laugh
"Lets go clean him off and take a nap." I smiled as he helped me up

"Rodrigos cartel had no one lined up to take the next spot. All his men are now working security for top gang members in New York. We shouldnt have a problem anymore." Marco said as I looked out my club window seeing it packed
"Thats good." Luca said holding Dante and standing next to me looking out as well
"Did you see that?" I asked him as he grunted and I picked up my radio
"Andy there is trouble in VIP section 2. I saw drugs be slipped into a drink. The guys there dont look like my normal type of clients. I want them out." I said as he responded copy
I watched as Andy did his job before noticing a female walking up towards the section
"Andy 6 o'clock. Red head female with a gun." I said into the radio as he turned around and grabbed the gun
"Bring her to my office now." I said as he responded copy
"So sexy the way you have taken on this role." Luca smiled before kissing me goodbye and leaving with Dante

"Ma'am." Andy said escorting her in and placing the gun on my desk before standing behind her with Paul
"So you thought you could bring a gun into my club?" I asked still looking out the window
"How did you know?" She asked
"Its my club. I know everything." I asked turning around to face her
"You know who I am right?" I asked sitting down
"Of course I do." She said looking down
"Why?" I asked as she looked up confused
"You obviously wanted to kill one of the guys in that section." I said as she looked confused
"They drugged me and raped me. I didnt want it to happen to some other girl." She said
"Are they in the basement?" I asked Paul and Andy in Italian as the answered yes
"Why should I spare you?" I asked as she looked visibly frightened
"I have a daughter. I am the only one alive. Both my parents are dead and her dad is a deadbeat." She said fast
"How are you at bartending?" I asked as Andy raised an eyebrow
"Pretty good. I did it in college before I got pregnant." She said slowly
"Do you have a job?" I asked as she quietly said no
"Be here tomorrow at ten AM. Dont be late." I said as she nodded and bee-lined it out 
"We dont need another bartender." Andy said confused
"I think we do. She would be nice to add to the staff." I smiled watching her leave fast
"You sure you want to bring her in?" Paul questioned
"Look shes young and a single mother. Andy are you complaining? You and Molly were able to buy a house and move out of the Bronx. You are head of security at this club." I said turning around to them
"If she doesnt want it she can quit. I am trying to give her a second chance. Besides I need a new manager at the other club. I am about to fire whats his face." I said gather my stuff to go home
"Keep an eye on things. Paul go home to Kelly and Lily. Im driving myself home." I said leaving them alone

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