Chapter 31

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"Make yourselves at home. I have no idea if the fridge is stocked. I havent gone grocery shopping for a while." I sighed before going right to our room tired from today

"Carrie?" Luca asked walking into the bathroom
"Huh?" I asked taking off my make up
"Go talk to them. They are sitting in the kitchen drinking tea." He said putting his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder
"I dont know what to say." I whispered as he held me closer
"Start from the beginning with Dante. Dont give anything away but try to be honest." He said kissing my temple and getting in the shower

"Hey Luca said you two were in here." I said walking in the kitchen
"Ya. We arent really tired yet. Luca gave us everything we would need." Mom said as I nodded
"Why didnt you tell us earlier?" She asked
"I... I just.... it was hard. I wasnt happy about the situation. Im still not. He was born two months early. That makes me feel like a terrible mother already." I sighed as my eyes filled up
"How did it happen? I want to know as your sister honestly. Not for work. What you say here stays here and I wont do anything but support you." JJ said as I went to sit in the living room as they followed
"Austin was still after me. I thought I was safe enough so I went outside my club to take in some fresh air. Luca had my office re done and it was too much to handle at the time. Austin was standing in the alley waiting for me or something. I walked out and he pulled a knife to my throat. Things happened but I dont remember much because I guess I went into an early labor and was more worried about Dante then anything else. All I remember was waking up and Luca telling me everything. That was about two weeks ago." I sighed looking up from the pillow I was looking at
"Do you know where Austin went?" JJ asked
"No. I dont." I lied smoothly
"Does Luca?" She asked
"Not that I know of. There was so much chaos at the moment he might have gotten away." I said putting more into the lie to make it believable as she nodded accepting my answer
"Luca showed us his room. Lots of stuff for a new born." Mom said already upset about how spoiled he is
"Mom please dont tell me how to parent. The only parenting I have done was today when I got to feed him from a bottle for the first time and held him today. Other then that I have had to watch him in this bubble and pray he makes it another night." I said standing up angry
"Whoa calm down." JJ said standing up too
"Angelo pays for a ticket for you to come be here for me and all you do is judge." I sighed walking around the living room trying to calm down
"Im not judging. Im just saying...." She started to say before I cut her off
"Just saying what? Im wealthy now mom get over it. Who do you think payed off your mortgages and your car? It sure as hell wasnt JJ or Ben or this random act of kindness. It was me and Luca. We gave a loan to my college neighbor for her to open up her dream restaurant and we are not expecting her to ever pay it back. I might have money now but I am just as humble as you raised me to be." I finally yelled as Luca stepped into the room
"Carrie go to bed." He said looking as me as tears stained my face and I nodded leaving them alone

3rd Person POV
"Im sorry about her. The stress of Dante is finally getting to her." Luca said sitting with them
"Im sorry Luca." Sandy said
"Shes really trying to be better to you two. Its my fault she disappeared. I was trying to help her get away from Austin and that was the only way." Luca said
"She was so different before she came here and met you." JJ said as Luca nodded
"She was so free willed. I remember having to try so hard to win her over. She just wanted to focus on school and do well. Never went out with Kat until she was finally convinced and that happened to be the night I saw her and immediately fell in love. She did finish school. Last year she got her MBA in marketing. Doing online classes for like four years." He smiled remembering the long months of her studying and staying up late
"Where did Austin take her for a few months?" JJ asked as Luca shrugged
"I got a call and picked her up. She wouldn't tell me anything. Just that he didnt do anything but hit her when she back talked or acted up." Luca answered keeping the lie alive
"Does she really want us out of her life?" Sandy asked
"I dont know. She liked not having to worry about you guys and having this freedom but I know it was killing her since we got married not being around you all. Carrie is not the same Carrie she was when she left." Luca said with a smirk knowing the mafia lifestyle has changed her
"Ya she more of a bitch." JJ laughed
"She might be but she is ruthless when it comes to running her business. Scares the shit out of me when she gets pissed at work. She fired one of my best bartenders from my first club because she caught him not only stealing tips but helping guys drug women." He smiled remembering how she pulled the gun from his waist and pointed it at him
"What did she do?" Sandy asked worried
"She pulled my gun from my waist and pointed at his ya know and threaten him. He got so scared his pissed himself as Paul called the police to arrest him." He shrugged like it was no big deal
"Why do you carry a gun?" JJ asked
"Its a part of the club business in New York. I have my concealed carry permit for it dont worry. Paul was my head of security for the longest time in my clubs before I had him be Carries personal body guard." He said admitting some truth
"Why does she have one?" Sandy asked
"Initially to protect her from Austin but we have gotten many threats made against us by crazy people for my hotels and for the clubs. Usually unhappy guest. Someone found her at a coffee shop and dumped coffee on her so Paul never leaves her side." He lied making it seem to good to be true
"And Marco?" JJ asked
"Hes like a brother to me. We grew up together and graduated college together. He is actually my right hand man for the hotels. He mainly runs the Miami hotel while I do this one and the Italy one." He said telling some what of the truth
"Im sorry for thinking you were in the mafia. Its just all the details from your father and his past involvements and your criminal record." JJ said before Sandy interrupted
"Criminal record?" She asked surprised
"A lot of assault. Carrie has had to bail me out a few times. All charges have been dropped due to the fact of me protecting those who couldnt protect themselves. Like Carrie the night Austin found her and the night I fell in love." He smiled
"Well I think I have heard enough." Sandy said excusing her self with JJ right behind her
"You still up?" He asked seeing Carrie on her phone
"Ya. Kat sent me a picture of Dante sleeping on Marcos chest." She smiled as he got into bed
"I got them off our backs for good. Got the lie straight and set up now. JJ believes me. Even apologized." He said pulling her close to him
"Good. Cause Paul said there is a drop next Friday and I want to go." She said before falling asleep before Luca could say anything

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