Chapter 39

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"Good morning." I said walking into the kitchen seeing Dante causing a mess and Luca looking tired
"Shut up." He groaned trying to give Dante his bottle but failing
"I forgot what it is like sleeping for more than two hours a night." I laughed taking the bottle from him and giving it to Dante myself
"You are a mommys boy." I laughed
"Why do you seem all cheery?" Paul asked walking into the kitchen
"Well I got a good night sleep for once, I was able to actually shower and get myself ready, and I dont have to worry about this little devil all day." I smiled looking at Dante
"Well when ever you are ready we can go." He said as I kissed Dante goodbye before going to Luca
"Goodbye babe. Have a fun day." I laughed giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking away only to be pulled back into him
"You are going to regret that tonight." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine
"I cant wait." I whispered back before leaving

"So Dante is a problem baby?" Kat asked making me laugh
"Not as much as you would think. He just does not stop crying. Luca never wakes up to get him so its just me." I sighed looking through baby clothes
"He is putting effort in now right?" She asked
"Ya after I slept in another room and had Marco take care of him." I laughed feeling my wrist buzz seeing a text from Luca
"This should be good." I said unlocking my phone seeing them both frowning at the camera
"I guess my boys miss me." I said showing her the picture
"I would say so." She laughed as we started picking up random baby clothes at this point knowing Dante will destroy them eventually and going to check out so we could go eat before the spa
"Are you sure you can afford all this?" The women at the counter asked as we set two arm fulls down of clothes
"Does it look like I cant?" I asked confused knowing I was wearing all designer clothes
"Well ya but...." She started to say
"But what?" Kat asked for me
"Nothing." She said and started scanning everything
"Well look who has come back to Bloomingdales." Mary the manager said seeing us
"Hey Mary." Kat smiled
"Hows the baby?" She asked as as the checkout girl looked down
"He is great. A lot like his father already but great." I smiled showing her the recent picture that Luca sent to me
"Wait your husband is Luca DeRosa?" The girl asked as I laughed and nodded
"Sorry." She whispered as Mary looked at me confused and I waved it off
"The total will come out to be $568.73." She said as I handed her my black card and she gave it back to me with my receipt as we left

"Hey I need to stop at the club before we go home." I said walking towards the car with Paul behind us
"That was the longest spa appointment ever." He groaned as we laughed at his misery
"Just unlock the car." Kat laughed as we got closer hearing the car unlock before I blacked out

"Carrie?" I heard Paul say as the ringing in my ears seemed to increase
"Paul?" I asked seeing him hovering over me
"Kat? Wheres Kat?" I asked frantically trying to get up
"Stay here. I will go check on her." He said as I still stayed laying on the ground thinking about what just happened as sirens pulled up to the scene
"Shit. Paul." I yelled out knowing it meant trouble
"Ma'am stay down." The paramedic who rushed over to me said
"Call my husband." Was all I said back
"What is your name?" He asked
"Carrie DeRosa. Call my husband Luca DeRosa. Now." I demand
"We will call him when we get you to the hospital." He said as I felt testing being done
"Take me to St. Andrews hospital." I demanded
"Ma'am that is on the other side of the city." He said as I was loaded into the ambulance
"Oh fuck." One of his partners said when he saw me
"Perfect. Nick get me to St. Andrews or else your job is gone. Call Luca now." I demanded as he shook his head repetitively and did what I told him
"Sir. Ya there has been an accident." He carefully phrased it
"Yes sir. We are on our way to St. Andrews right now." He said flinching and putting the phone down
"Do you two know each other?" The paramedic asked confused
"Yes. He is a bar back I hired before I had my baby." I lied smoothly knowing Luca has him working off debts
"Are you in pain?" He asked and I nodded
"My back and my head. I have ringing in my ears." I said as Nick looked visibly frighten
"The ringing is from the blast and you fell backwards so that explains the back and head." He said as panic took over me
"I was with my assistant and sister in law! Where are they?" I questioned hearing the heart monitor beep more
"Calm down. Your sister in law in behind us and is stable. Your assistant is with her." He said as I relaxed again
"Nick if you leave my side at all until Luca gets there I swear." Was all I said to get the point across as he just nodded understanding as I hoped he was armed

"Oh shit." The trauma doctor said seeing me come in
"Hey Dr." I said smiling at him as he followed us to the exam room
"What the fuck happened this time?" He asked once we were alone
"My car exploded." I shrugged before we got interrupted by Luca barging in to the room
"What the fuck happened?" He asked as I rolled my eyes at his stupid question

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