Chapter 15

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"I cant believe our trip is over." I said walking into the house
"Lets go shopping." Luca said as I paused
"Shopping?" I asked
"Ya for baby stuff. I know for a fact we are going to have a little boy. Lets start please." He said begging
"Luca we have at least seven months before we have to have everything ready." I laughed sitting on the couch
"We need to redo the house." I sighed looking around at my finished house
"Why?" He asked looking around
"It needs to be baby proof and we need to get you a safe to keep all the guns in. We cant leave them around anymore." I said indicating the one on the coffee table
"I dont just leave them around." He laughed as I reached under the couch and pulled out a gun
"This cant be happening anymore. We put a safe in every room hidden. I dont want my baby to just stumble across one." I said unloading it
"You look so sexy unloading that gun." He said smirking and sitting next to me putting my feet on his lap
"A foot message would be very nice." I laughed as he took my boots off and started messaging them
"Your wish is my command bello. I will do anything for you forever." He said
"Or until the baby is born." I laughed putting my hands on my stomach lovingly
"Are you going with me to pick up your mom tonight?" He asked
"Ya I guess I will. We can go out to dinner afterwards." I said closing my eyes
"Dont fall asleep on me. Lets go shopping and get a general idea of what we want." He said putting my boots back on
"But..." I started to say before he pulled me off the couch
"No buts. You love shopping." He said as I nodded and we walked out to his car
"You are driving us?" I asked laughing
"I am. I dont want your mom to think we are lazy rich people who hire people to drive us." He laughed unlocking my car
"No baby mama no more driving in the Aston Martin. Its your Range Rover for now on." He said opening and helping me into the car
"I miss driving thats for sure." I said getting buckled
"I will let you start driving again as long as Paul follows behind you." He said backing out before driving off
"Fine I can live with that." I smiled looking over at him and admiring his jaw
"You better stop staring at me." He smirked
"I will enjoy it all I want." I smiled looking out the window

"This airport is huge." My mom said giving me a hug as soon as she saw me
"Hi mom." I said back
"Mrs. Jareau." Luca said holding his hand out
"Your my son in law. Call me Sandy please." She said giving him at hug
"You are glowing." She said grabbing my face
"How would you feel about another grandchild?" I asked as she pulled me into a huge hug
"I would love that." She whispered to me
"Alright lets go eat. I got us reservations at our favorite Italian restaurant." Luca said taking her bags and walking us to the car

"I feel very under dressed." She said as we sat down
"Its fine mom. We arent dressed up either." I laughed as she saw people in nice dress clothes as we wore jeans
"They are all dressed to the nines." She said quietly making Luca laugh loudly
"Sandy I know the owner. Trust me we could wear sweat pants and a sweatshirt with stains on it and still be welcomed." He said reassuring her as the waiter gave me and Luca our usual wine and asked my mom what she would like
"Hey Phil can I please have a lemonade. Im not drinking at the moment. Dont tell momma." I said as he nodded and took my wine away
"Why arent your drinking wine?" Mommas voice came from behind me
"You love this wine. I just got a case for you and Luca to take home." She said now sitting in the empty chair
"Momma this is my mom Sandy. Mom this is Lucas mom Gemma." I said introducing them
"Yes I know. We have met before. Nice to see you again. Now why arent you drinking wine?" She smiled before focusing on me
"Mom not the time." Luca said as she shot him a look to shut up before the realization covered her face
"No way!" She yelled as I felt my face get hot
"Everyone!" She yelled standing up to get the whole restaurants attention
"I will be offering a free glass of champagne to everyone tonight to celebrate my baby boy and his wife for having my first grandbaby!" She yelled as everyone clapped
"Your the owner?" My mom asked as she nodded
"Come lets celebrate being grandmas." She said getting my mom to follow her
"Luca. We havent even gone to a doctor to even know if we are for sure yet." I said in Italian
"Calm down bello. We are trust me I know." He said with a big smile waving for Phil to come over to take his glass away
"Can I please get a grilled cheese or two tonight?" I asked him and he nodded saying he would do his best

"Your mom is really nice." My mom said after driving in silence
"Shes always like that. We never know whats going to come out of her mouth half the time." Luca laughed
"So you two have been trying for a while for kids?" She asked out of no where
"Um yes and no." I said reaching over for Lucas hand
"We havent been really ready because of work." He said for me
"You allowed work to get in your way?" She asked
"Mom." I said hoping she would stop
"Just like your father. He didnt even care about you anymore after Roz and focused on work." She said
"Mom Luca is different. He treats me well." I said reaching over for his hand
"It doesnt matter. Your dad treated me well until Roz happened. Dont get distracted by all the nice things." She said as I chose to ignore her the rest of the way

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