Chapter 34~ Tast the Rainbow

Start from the beginning

"Really?" I wondered, and she nodded quickly which only made my eyes narrow with suspicion, "but you like each other?" I was blunt about it, but I also said it with a bit of question in my tone. I didn't know what to believe right then because she was sending kind of mixed signals. Her words assured me that they weren't together, but her nervousness was making me think that she wasn't telling me something.

"Oh, no, no, no," she laughed as if it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard and in some way that made me feel better than before. A small smile started to make its way back to my lips and I watched her pretend to wipe away tears from her eyes. It was kind of amusing to watch; she flicked them away as if they were actually there and then looked back to me with a wide smile still mounted on her features. "No, Louis likes someone else," she told me and then covered her mouth as if she wasn't supposed to say that.

I straightened up and raised a brow at that, "who?" If Louis were to like someone who wasn't Eleanor he would tell me, wouldn't he? We were beyond the point in our friendship of telling each other who we are attracted to, aren't we? If Eleanor knows about it and I don't then what does that say about me?

"Um, it's really not something that I have the right to say," she answered with a weak smile once she had taken her hand away from her mouth. I respected her for not blabbing about Louis' 'crush' but I really wanted to know who it was at the same time. Maybe it's Jenny or Emmaline and that's why he doesn't want anyone else to know about it...

"I understand," I nodded before hitting her with another question, "do you like Louis?"

She shook her head quickly, "no, I like someone else too." That reassured me a lot and I let out an almost relieved sigh. Now that I knew that there was nothing going on between her and Louis, I was able to get a new perspective of Eleanor. She seemed like a nice enough girl and I don't know why I hadn't seen that about her before. She was always genuinely friendly to me even though I was pretty much a bitch to her. I gave her cookie points right there and then for putting up with my snappy attitude towards her and still being polite. For the first time since Louis had introduced us, I gave her an honest to god friendly smile and she beamed back at me.

After a short-but no longer uncomfortable-silence, she spoke again, "you know, if Louis and the girl he likes do end up together, then Louis will be very lucky." Her features had gotten somewhat more serious, and I considered her words with a raised eyebrow. "He's a great guy, and I hope that-if he does tell her how he feels-she'll really consider him."

I looked over my shoulder for a fraction of a second and caught sight of the balloons that he had gotten to cheer me up. A grin tugged at the corner of my lips, and I looked down at the ground before speaking, "I think you've got it backwards."

"Hm?" she wondered with a bit of confusion contorting her smile.

"Louis wouldn't be the lucky one," I clarified, and her smile came back a thousand times brighter than her last smile, "the girl who ends up with him would be the lucky one."

"Exactly," she agreed with a quick nod of her head. In that moment, every feeling of resentment or bitterness that I had in regards to Eleanor went away, and I wasn't irrationally mad at her anymore. If anything, I felt as if I could relate to her in some way now.

After another short silence, I looked around the hallways and let out a long sigh. How long does it take someone to get Skittles from a vending machine? I looked to Eleanor with an apologetic grin, "I don't know what's taking him so long, but were you here to hang out with him?"

"Oh, no, he told me that he couldn't hang out today because he was helping you out with something," she told me. Louis had passed up a chance to hang out with her because of my whole dilemma? He actually would rather stay in the hotel room with a hormonal girl than hang out with his friend? Bless his heart. "I just wanted to stop by and tell him something."

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