Yukimura look at Jasmine's eyes. "You think I want you to stay the night over for 'that'? Jasmine I'm not asking you for marriage or to stay the night over for 'that'. I want you to stay the night over and I want to marry you. . ."

Jasmine held her breath as Yukimura pause and is intently looking at her eyes.

"Because I want to be with you." Yukimura said looking into Jasmine's eyes.

Jasmine's hope to hear the words she's been longing was crushed with this. Jasmine for all this time only long to hear that Yukimura loves her but everything just went downhill when Yukimura still didn't say a word about love.

Wanting to be with me and loving me are two different things Seiichi. Jasmine thought as she sadly look away breaking their eye contact.

Yukimura sighted defeatedly. He then open his side of the door and went out. Jasmine looked at him from the mirror as he move to her side and opened her door.

Jasmine sighted before going out of Yukimura's car. "Are you mad at me?"

Yukimura looked at Jasmine in the eyes, he then hug her tight. Yukimura place his head on Jasmine's shoulder and inhale the scent of hair. Jasmine with a faint lavander.

Yukimura then kiss Jasmine's hair that cover's her hear he then whispered "I can never get mad at you."

Jasmine wanted to say but she thought to just shut her mouth.

Yukimura then held Jasmine at arm's length. Jasmine already misses Yukimura's warmth. "I can be mad at anyone but you. Always remember that."

Jasmine was lost by the way Yukimura's indigo eyes look at her.

"I'm going now. You should go in and sleep." Yukimura said and placed a kiss on Jasmine's forehead. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

Jasmine look at Yukimura "Good night Seiichi."

"Good night Jasmine." Yukimura said and that's Jasmine que and started walking for the doors. Before opening the door Jasmine look back to Yukimura who is now on the driver side of the car and looking at her.

Jasmine opened the door and went inside. Just as she close the door behind her she heard Yukimura's car speeding away.

Until the last moment of the night Jasmine is only thinking of Yukimura and the words she wanted to hear him say. Maybe he doesn't love me anymore.

Yeah. That's it. How can you love someone who left you suddenly without proper explanation.

For the week that has pass by not even once did Yukimura said a thing about what happened to them in the past.

Maybe it doesn't matter to him anymore, maybe it doesn't bother him or simply he doesn't care.

So close yet so far (Prince of Tennis)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang