Xuan Tian Ming protected her and quietly said: "You must be careful. If things really look bad, just dive into your space."

Feng Yu Heng shook her head, "No good. It's too noticeable. Moreover, we can't stay in there forever without coming out. Do you have a deep understanding of this thousand wall formation? Do you know how to break through?"

While the two spoke, the enemy army moved once more. This time, it was the second and third rows that attacked when the first row bent down. The second row of soldiers stabbed forward, and the third row held their feet. Without caring if they struck their targets, the soldiers were pulled back immediately.

The horn sounded once more, causing the troop to continue moving.

Feng Yu Heng was annoyed, "The spinning is giving me a headache."

"This is also one of the benefits of the thousand wall formation." Xuan Tian Ming spoke while looking all around, "These soldiers are not afraid of it. The most pressing matter at the moment is to find the person controlling the formation. The ones beating the drum and sounding the horn are most important." Although he said this, the people controlling the formation were hidden the furthest back in the formation. To find them through the heavy snow and strong winds was easier said than done.

The large formation continuously changed, and wave after wave of attack came. Under the constant attacks, Xuan Tian Ming had no choice but to give up on finding the person controlling the formation. Instead, he focused entirely on fighting.

Feng Yu Heng knew that this could not continue like this. She was an expert when it came to formations. As long as the person controlling the formation was still present, this formation would be unassailable. A few thousand soldiers against just two people. It would be odd if they did not die of exhaustion.

She retreated to Xuan Tian Ming's side and used his body to protect herself. Xuan Tian Ming saw that things were not going well and protect her well. Very quickly, he saw Feng Yu Heng pull something strange out of her sleeve and put it on her eyes. He did not know what it was, but after seeing Feng Yu Heng put it on, she began to look around. He then knew that this must be something used to find the person controlling the formation.

In truth, his guess was not wrong. Feng Yu Heng had indeed put on a pair of glasses used for searching. Not only was it better for seeing through things, but it also had a magnifying ability. It could see things that were over ten li away. Even if she could not see with perfect clarity, she could still faintly see the things that Xuan Tian Ming could not.

Very quickly, there was a nine-story-tall tower to the Northeast that caught her attention. It was the highest structure in Song Zhou City. At this moment, every floor of the tower was filled with people and covered in drums. The sound of the drumming was coming from that side. Combining with the sound of the horn, it entered the ears of the people and controlled their hearts.

"Over there!" She pointed in the direction of the tower and said to Xuan Tian Ming: "Think of a way to get us a little closer. I have a method for dealing with them."

Xuan Tian Ming knew that if Feng Yu Heng said that she had a method, there was definitely a method. He smiled slyly and pulled the little girl into his embrace, loudly saying: "Hold on tight. Husband will bring you over!"

Just as he said this, Feng Yu Heng immediately felt her feet leave the ground. Thousands of soldiers were below their feet, and Xuan Tian Ming used his qinggong to soar up. At the same time, he moved his whip and opened up a gap in mid-air.

However, the soldiers of the thousand wall formation expected that they would use qinggong. The horn sounded out, and the people in the thousand wall formation were raised up. One by one, the soldiers stood on each other's shoulders. In the blink of an eye, they formed a wall as high as they had leaped. Xuan Tian Ming thrashed his whip around, and the human wall was unable to endure this sort of beating, resulting in a loud collapse.

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