Chapter 28

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It's been two weeks since that Johnny guy moved in with Luke and his mother. We've bren hanging out pretty much every day so Luke didn't have to be in his precence and today wasn't going to be any different.

"So where are we going today?" I smiled as I got in the car.

"You'll see soon enough" he gave me a big smile in return which made his dimples show up.

"You know how much I hate suprises" I faked a pouty face.

"No, don't do the pouty face please"

"Only if you tell me where are we going"

"How about a hug?"

"We end up in the bushes if you're going to hug me" I giggled.


"So that was your big suprise?" I giggled getting out of the car.

We were in front of a vintage styled ice cream place.

"I never said I had a big suprise" he smiled and grabbed my hand "come on!"

We took a seat in a table which was next to a big window.

"What can I get for you?" a woman in white waitress uniform with cyan collar asked smiling.

"Two chocolate ice creams" Luke replied instantly.

"How did you know I like chocolate ice cream?" I asked as soon as the waitress had left our table.

"Everyone likes chocolate"

After eating our ice cream we were on the road again.

"So where this time?" I asked tired of sitting in the car.

"To the beach" he said while he kept his eyes on the road.

"Will we make it back in time?"

"I hope so" he smirked "or not so I could sneak in to your house again"

"Shut up" I tried to hold my giggle in and to fake being mad but it didn't work.

When Luke finally parked the car it was getting dark already. Luke grabbed my hand and we started walking through the forest towards 'our' beach.

"Just in time for the sunset" he said when our feet finally touched the sand.

"Yea" I smiled. We sat on a big stone that was partly in the water. I rested my head on his shoulder. Neither of us made a sound. We watched as the last piece of sun had dissapeared behind the horizon.

"Bella?" Luke said quietly.

"Yea?" I tilted my head a little so I could see his face.

"You know... There's a thing I've been wanting to tell you" I could tell he was nervous.

I felt my heart starting to pound faster and my breathing got heavier.

"I ummm... Bella I like you.... a lot..." he looked at me with eyes full of hope that I wouldn't run away or something.

I didn't know what to say. I liked Luke too but did I like him in the same way?

Instead of saying something I pulled his lips on mine.

And then my phone started ringing. Luke pulled away and I could see he was a little dissapointed.

"Damn it!" I said ad I saw the caller ID. Mom.

"Hello" I answered the call.

"Where are you? I tought we had a deal" she sounded pretty mad.

"I'll be home later today, sorry, I have things to do" I quickly made up simething.

"Who is th..." Luke tryed to say but I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Who are you with?" my mom's voice got stricter.

"I ummm... A friend?" I said nervously.

"Get home now!" was all she said before she hung up.

"Shit!" I muttered.

"Who was it?" he asked quiltyly.

"Mom... I gotta go home" I said as I got up.

"Sorry..." he got up aswell.

"Don't apologize, she would've been mad anyway" I tried to make him feel better.

We walked back to the car and he drove in front of my house.

"Do you have to go?" he asked hopefully.

"Yea if I don't want my head ripped off" I said and he gave me a small smile.

"Seeya tomorrow then" I opened the car door.

"Stay" he gently grabbed my wrist.

"I don't know if that's a good idea" ofcource I wanted to stay but my mom would kill me for that.

"Stop living for your mother! Start living for yourself! Stay pleaseeee" he begged.

"Okay" I closed the car door.

"Yay" his eyes lit up. Got I love that look in his eyes. When his usual blue eye color turns in to even deeper shade of blue and gets a little hint of grey on the edges and that's just beautiful.

"Why are you staring at me like I'm an alien or something" he smiled.

"I was just thinking" I blushed.

"About what?"

"Stop asking stupid questions" I tried to hide my face behind my hair so he couldn't see me blushing.

"Stop making up stupid exuses when I catch you staring" he smirked and drove off my street.


Yay! An update!

Sorry for the wait (if you were waiting) but here it is!

Guys let me tell you that even if I sometimes don't reply to your comments or don't have time to update I still love you and thank you for reading and for voting for this story! All the votes and commendts and reads mean so much to me! I love you all so so so so much! Thanks for your support!

Also... I'm very sorry if I don't have much time to update bc I have so much homework abd it was only the first week so yea... It's going to get even worse... I do what I can and I hope you'll still read it c:

Oh and one more thing! 1k reads!!!! ashaksgaksgald ILY :*

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