Chapter 20

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"Calum, if you say one more word you'll have to use your feet to get home" Luke was trying to sound serious but Calum only smirked.

"You wouldn't do this to me" he took the last sip of the drink and threw the can out of the window.

"What are you doing, dude, what if you hit a person with that?" I laughed at his actions.

Luke stopped the car in front of a small light blue house.

"Alright, get out" Luke told Calum.

"Band practice at 7 tomorrow, remember?" Calum said as he got out of the car.

"Yeah" Luke mumbled.

"You're in a band?" I asked when Calum was finally out of sight.

"Yeah, it's nothing special" he said and the rest of the car ride was silent.


"You can take the bed if you want" Luke had offered me a T-shirt which I cladly accepted because I really liked the smell.

"No, I'm fine with the floor" I mumbled.

"I know you want to sleep in the bed" he smirked.

"No, really, I'm fine" I threw a pillow and a planked on the floor.

"Come here" Luke said in a really low tone, patting a place next to him.

"You sure?" I was kind of suprised.

"I won't make you sleep on the floor" he smiled slightly.

I picked the pillow and planket up and climbed next to Luke. I turned around so I wouldn't feel so weird.

"Are you asleep?" Luke whispered after a long silence. I pretended like I was asleep.

"Damn, you're so beautiful" he whispered again.

I think I wasn't supposed to hear that. I felt him gently sliding his fingers over my back which gave me chills. My heart was about to jump out of my chest.

Luke put his hand around me and I finally fell asleep.


I woke up to the smell of coffee. Luke wasn't in bed anymore. I got up to check where he was, not bothering to look in the morror first.

I checked every room but he was no where to be found. When I finally sat down behind the kitchen table I saw a note he probably had left to me:

Sorry I had to go to school, I tried to wake you up but it was impossible. Feel free to do anything you want in my house, if you want to leave then just leave the door open. I made you coffee btw.


Just then I remembered it was monday. F... I hurried to the bathroom and brushed my hair with a brush that must've been Luke's mother's but I'm not sure.

I put my jeans on and decided to leave Luke's shirt on since I don't have much time. I quickly made his bed and stormed to the kitchen.

I checked my phone while pouring myself some coffee: 23 missed calls from mom, 2 from Ricky. What does he want? I didn't bother to call back neither one of them.

I took a last sip from my coffee, left the cup in a sink and hurried out. I had to get my textbooks and stuff so I needed to go home first.



"Jenna's gonna throw a party this saturday, anyone wanna come with me?" Michael mumbled while doing something on his phone.

We were in the school cafeteria eating lunch with him and Calum. I wondered if Bella would come to school today.

"No thanks, I've had enough" I answered.

"I'll come!" Calum shouted.

"Calm down, mate" Michael let out a small laugh.

"Hey, Luke, how's it going with that Bella girl?" Calum smirked.

"I... Ummm... Okay... No, I mean we're like friends" I blushed and looked down.

"Have you banged her already?" Michael teased.

"No, guys stop!" I felt like a tomato.

"Alrigh, Michael how's your cat doing?" Calum tried to change the subject.

"I don't even have a cat" Michael answered and they both started laughing.


Sorry it took me so long to update, I was very busy this week c: I hope it was worth waiting :D

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