Chapter 16

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Will there be drama in this chapter? :O


We were on our way to the party. Josy had borrowed her mom's car so we didn't have to take a bus. She made me wear heels. That's something I don't usually do. I already feel how I'm going to fall after every few steps.

Josy stopped the car. We were in front of Ricky's house.

"We're here!" she shouted happily.

I got out of the car and I almost tripped but someone caught me. I felt the familiar butterflies fly in my stomack. Luke?

"Sorry..." I mumbled and got in my feet. He didn't say anything and went inside of the house.

"Let's go inside" Josy smirked when she saw the look in my eyes.

"Yeah..." I said quietly.

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good" I put on a fake smile.

The first thing I noticed when we entered the house was the smell of alcohol.

"Let's find Ricky!" she said and pulled me to the living room.

I saw Luke sitting there with two girls: one beside him and one on his lap. I felt my heart fall into pieces.

"Hey, Bella!" I heard Ricky's voice.

"Wow! You look gorgeous!" he smirked when I turned around to face him.

"Hey!" I faked a smile. For some reason I didn't have a party mood in me anymore.

"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost" he joked.

"Yeah, I'm alright" I mumbled.

"Wanna get a drink" he asked.

"Yeah, sure" I said. I have never drinked before but right now I felt like getting drunk.

I followed Ricky to the kitchen. He handed me a red cup filled with brown liquid. I didn't bother to ask what was in it. I just drank it all in few seconds. It tasted horrible.

"Can I have one more?"

"Wow, you're fast!" he laughed and handed me another cup.

I swallowed it even faster than I did with the last one. Ricky had gone somewhere so I just took the whole bottle of brown liquid and went to find an empty bathroom. I drank half of he liquid in the bottle with few seconds and felt my head getting a little dizzy so I sat down on the stairs.

I was about to fall asleep but someone took a bottle from my hand.

"Hey! Give it back!" I mumbled.

"Go get a room, you're drunk as fuck" said the guy who took my bottle. He had dark hair and big brown eyes.

"You can't just take away my bottle! Give it back!"

"Only if you'll get a room" he said and helped me up. He helped me to get upstairs. There was a big hallway.

"Which one?" I couldn't feel my legs.

"Whichever you want... I gotta go now" he said and gave me my bottle back.

"Thank you" I mumbled quietly.

I opened a random door and saw a couple eating eachothers faces out. I wanted to close the door and pretend that I didn't see it but just then the guy looked at me.

It took me few seconds to realze it was Ricky. He pushed the girl away and runned to hug me.

"Please let me explain!" he shouted.

I stood there numb staring at the wall.

"I'll just let you finish what you started." I said and tried to take his hands off me but he didn't let me go.

"Let me go!" I tried to hit him with my knee but failed.

"No, you're not going anywhere!" he pushed me hard against the wall.

"What is wrong with you?" I throwed the half empty bottle against him.

"You bitch can't just throw a bottle against me!" he shouted and hit me in the face. I don't know if it was because of the alcohol but it didn't hurt as much as I tought it would.

I saw blood on my dress. The girl that Ricky had kissed with was gone. Ricky put his hand on my tight.

"Forgive me, babe" he begged. I didn't say anything.

"Fucking say something!" he shouted as he hit me once more. I felt my tears mix up with the blood.

"What is going on in here!?" I heard the familiar voice.

"Bella!? Are you alright!? What the fuck did you do to her?" these were the last words I heard before I blacked out.

Luke's POV

"What do you want!?" Ricky stood up.

I saw Bella laying on  the floor with a bleeding nose and lip. That's when I lost the control over my body.

I threw him a punch in the face so hard that he fell. I hit him in a stomack few times and I swear he god I would have killed him if someone wouldn't have interupted.

"Calm down, Luke!" Calum pulled me from my hand. Calum is one of my best friends.

"What on earth is going on here?" he said as he sat me down on  the bed.

"I'll call you" I said to Calum as I took Bella on my hands and carried her to my car in a bridal style.

Bella's POV

I slightly opened my eyes and saw Luke's face. I spotted a small smile on his face but then it faded.

"Are you okay" he asked with a worrying expression.

"My cheek hurts a little... And I feel like I'm going to throw up soon..."

"Well get out then" he joked.


I'm really sorry if it was bad... I hope you liked it. Vote / comment? :)

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