Chapter 17

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"What the hell happened in there?" I wanted to turn the radio on but Luke stopped me.

"Can we talk about this later please?" I stared out of the window.

"Okay, but can you at least tell me why are you bleeding...?"

I didn't answer. The ride was silent for a few minutes.

"Ricky..." I mumbled.

"What?" he looked at me confused.

"He... h..." I felt the hot tears fall down my cheeks.

"Shhh... Don't cry babe" Luke put his hand on my tight. I felt the familiar butterflies.

He stopped the car in front of his house. I slowly got out of the car still sobbing a little.

Luke opened the front door and we sneaked in.

"Are your parents home?" I whispered.

"Nope" he smiled.

"Then why the hell are we doing everything so dramatically?"

"I don't know... You started" he laughed and guided to the bathroom.

"Let's clean this blood up and then you can take a shower" he said while gently rubbing my lip with a cotton ball.

"Ouch" I let out a cry.

"Sorry babe" he quickly removed the cotton ball from my lip.

"Babe...?" I smiled slightly.

"What?" he looked down but I could see him blush.

"Nothing" I smirked. He took another piece of cotton and put something with a horrible smell on it and started gently rubbing my face again.

I his knuckels were bloody.

"What happened to your hands?"

"Oh, that's nothing... Don't worry about me. I'll get you some ice or you're gonna have a black eye in the morning" he left me alone in the bathroom and was soon back with the ice.

"Go to my room, I'll come soon" he said quietly.

"Alright..." I left the bathroom.

I sat down on Luke's bed and checked my phone. F... I forgot to text my mom.

I had 11 missed calls from Josy and 6 from my mother. I quickly texted mom that I had a lot of stuff to do and we're about to go to sleep right now. Hopefully she'll believe.

"You can take a shower now" I heard Luke's voice yelling.

I went back to the bathroom.

"Do you want anything comfy to wear? I could give you my sweats or...?" he was a little nervous.

"Yeah, that would be great" I smiled.

"Okay" he said and left the room. I took the bloody dress off and turned on the hot water.

After I had washed my hair and body I got out and quickly dried myself. Luke had put a black shirt and gray sweats behind the bathroom door. I put them on.

The shirt smelled like Luke. I didn't bother to wear a bra though. It was all bloody anyways.

I put my wet hair into a messy bun and went back to Luke's room. He was asleep on the bed. Guess I'll sleep on the floor.

I took a pillow and planket and lied down next to the bed. It was hard to fall asleep on the floor so I decided to sleep on the bed anyways.

Luke wouldn't even notice so I climbed next to him. The bed wasn't too big but big enought to fit two people. I almost instanly felt Luke's hand around me.

I tried to get out of his grip but it was impossible so I gave up and finally fell asleep.


"Good morining sleepyhead!" Luke hit me with a pillow.

"Don't make me tickle you!" he warned.

"You wouldn't dare" I mumbled against the pillow. I suddenly felt him attacking with tickels.

"Stop!" I tried to sound mad behind the laughter.

"No" he smirked "unless you get up"

"I will I promise!" I tried to get his hands off. He suddenly stopped tickling me.

"Get ready, I'm in the kitchen" he said in a serious voice.

"Okay" I nodded and he left. I quickly took a shower, brushed my hair and then checked the clock. 2pm. Okay.

I called Josy because my clothes and stuff were at her place. She didn't answer so I just went to the kitchen to find Luke.

He was attempting to make pancakes.

"Do you expect me to eat those panncakes" I said jokingly.

"Well yeah... I was kinda trying to make us a breakfast." he said.

"Let me do this, sit down" I took over.

I got all the pancakes done and now was the time for questions.

"So what happened last night?" Luke looked straight into my eyes. I swear I could get drowned in those deep blue eyes.

"I ummm... fell... Ricky pushed me and I fell... Against the bed..." I looked at the ground.

"I mean what really happened?" he didn't look away for a second.

"I told you" I said quietly.

"He hit you didn't he?" he rised his voice. I didn't say anything.

"Tell me! Did he hit you?" he was still staring into my eyes.

"I... I... Yes he fucking hit me! You happy now!?" I lost my control and started crying.

"No babe, don't cry! I didn't mean to make you cry, please..." he put his hands around me for comfort.

"He kissed... with... another girl..." I mumbled between sobs.

"He's a jerk" he whispered "you'll be okay, babe"

I cried into his shoulder. I probably left a wet spot but neither of us seemed to care.

"Why did he... hit me... did I do anything wrong?" I kept crying.

"No, it's not your fault, don't cry because of him" he tightened his grip around me.

"Thank you" I said when I had finally stopped sobbing.

"No problem, darling" he whispered into my ear.


Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you still liked it though :) Could you give me a vote or/& comment pleasee? :3

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