Chapter 25

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"So... Ummm... See ya tomorrow then" Luke had walked me to my doorway.

"See ya" I smiled and he started walking towards his car.

"Wait" I said and he stopped walking immediately.

I gave him a big bear hug. He lifted me up and started spinning me arounund.

"Put me dooown!" I giggled . He gently put me down but neither of us pulled out of the hug yet.

"I gotta go now" I said after few minutes of hugging althoug I didn't want to go. We literally just stood in the middle of the road and hugged for two minutes

"Text me" he winked and I let ou a giggle.

"Bye" I smiled.

"Bye" he smiled back. I watched as he sat in to his car and drove off. I waited for few more minutes and went in side.

"Mooom! I'm hoooome!" I yelled. She didn't answer so I just went to my room.

I finishes my homework and took a shower. I towel-dried my hair and put it in to a messy bun. I put on a white oversized T-shirt and climbed to bed.

I noticed a small box on the nightstand. New phone yay! I wonder how does my mom have so much money to buy everything.

I opened the box and took out the iPhone 5. I have had more iPhones in just a month than some people have had in a year.

When I finally got done everything to get this phone working I texted Luke.

Hiii c:

It didn't take him long to reply.

Hey hun! wassup?

About to go to sleep you? I replied.

Wishing you were here D: I miss your pretty face already

I probably looked luke an idiot smiling at his text.



I turned off my alarm clock and let out a loud groan. I slowly got out of the bed and went to bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I put some clothes on and went to the kitchen.

"Morning mom" I mumbled.

"Morning" she said.

"I have to tell you something" she said as soon as I sat down.

"I'm listening" I looked in to her eyes.

"Ummm... Remember the guy, Johnny?" she asked me. I could tell she was nervous.

"Yea, he's a dick" I was afraid of the words she was going to say next.

"I've been going out with him for about three months now and we were thinking... Ummm... He's going to move in with us" she looked away.

I let out a huge sigh and left the kitchen. I f*cking hated that guy. He always tried to act like he liked me when mom was around but I knew he actally hated me too.

I just wanted my mom to finally be happy. That's why I didn't say anything.

I took my backpack and left the house. I was going to be late for school again...



"You really need to talk to Ricky, he's kinda getting on my nerves already" Amy said. We were in the school cafeteria with Josy.

"No, let him wait! He was a dick and has to pay for it" Josy protested.

"Yea, I think I'll talk to him next week if at all. I don't want any more problems with that  guy" I saw Luke and Calum enter the cafeteria.

Luke winked at me and I smiled like an idiot.

"What?" Amy looked at me confused.

"Oh, nothing, I just saw a cute bird outside, that's all" I lied. Josy tried her best to hold in the laughter.

"Okay" she smiled.



Luke and his friend entered the cafeteria. He winked at someone. I looked around to see who that bitch was.

Bella was smiling so it had to be her.

"What?" I faked like I couldn't understand what's going on.

"Oh, nothing, I just saw a cute bird outside" she said. Josy was trying to hold her laughter in.

We're they laughing at me?

"Okay" I faked a smile. I just wanted to kill that bitch but I had a better plan than this. I'm gonna do what she did to me.


Hey! I bet you didn't expect me to update this soon lol :D

I hope you liked it although it might be a little boring. It was kinda like a filler chapter or something idk. Drama's gonna happen soon ;)

Oh, and about the ship name... It's Buke then c:

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